Page 63 of One Hot Rumor
Felicity has also made sly suggestions that I should marry Nick. Luckily, she never said that in front of him. But considering his declaration of love earlier today, I guess he wouldn't mind if someone suggested we might tie the knot.
I tried that once, and it ended in misery.
Nick is different, though. He's funny, sexy, sweet, and smart. He owns his own business and loves his family. I've never been attracted to a man at first sight, but with him, I was ready to have sex thirty seconds after he walked into my office. Well, it might've been closer to ten seconds. Or maybe three.
Okay, I lusted for him at first sight.
"You and Nick are so good together," Maddie says.
"How do you know that?" I ask.
"Anyone can see it." Maddie and I are sitting on lawn chairs while Nick talks to his brother and his parents on the patio. She leans over to touch my arm. "I haven't known Nick that long, but Richard says his brother has never looked at any woman the way he looks at you."
"We've only been dating for a month."
"I knew I loved Rick after less than two weeks." She sighs, her expression turning softer and almost sentimental. "Honestly, though, I think I knew the moment I met him. Never used to believe in love at first sight. My sister teased me about it back when I was still getting to know Rick, but it took me a while to accept that I did fall for him right away."
"Math is my thing. I need an equation that makes sense, and love at first sight doesn't fit into any of the mathematical models I know."
"But there is pi. It's an irrational number."
I freeze. Not that long ago, Nick had asked me about pi, and I explained how it's an irrational number that has no end and never repeats itself. Now Maddie mentions pi. Is this some kind of sign? If so, I have no idea what the universe is trying to tell me. Maddie is a scientist, so it's not strange for her to know about pi.
But still…
Love at first sight? I can't believe in that because of a math problem.
Maddie gives me a knowing smile. "Just keep an open mind, that's all I'm saying."
"I always try to do that, but sometimes I fail."
Brunch hasn't been served yet because Nick wanted to explain things to his family first. I'm guessing he was too anxious to eat.
The Hunters have an adorable cottage, and I can't help wondering what it would be like to live in a village like this one. Cockshire is cute and homey despite the rumor garbage. Can't blame an entire town for that.
But I do blame that woman, Lady Georgina Prescott, for the whole debacle and the emotional damage it's wrought on my boyfriend. How can anyone defame a hard-working, amazing man like Nick? He would never do anything to hurt anyone. Look at how patient he's been with me. I was kind of rude when we first met, which I now realize was my subconscious way of covering up the fact I was attracted to him, but Nick treated me with nothing but kindness.
Well, flirtation and kindness.
If that scandal had never happened, I would never have met him. So maybe good can come out of a bad thing.
That's still no excuse for what Georgina Prescott did to Nick.
I've never felt vengeful before, but when it comes to Nick and Georgina, I want to exact some serious vengeance on her ass. Does that mean something? I don't know. Maybe it means I have deeper feelings for him than I've wanted to admit.
My gaze wanders to where Nick and his family are sitting around a patio table chatting. He looks anxious.
"Think I'll go over," I tell Maddie. "To give Nick moral support."
"You go help your honey," she says. "You two are the cutest couple."
"Uh, thank you." I start to walk away, then hesitate, glancing at Maddie. "Maybe you should come too. You're part of the family, after all, and what Nick needs to say involves your husband."
"Let's go support our guys together."
We stroll over to the patio, but there aren't any chairs available. So Maddie sits on Richard's lap, and I sit on Nick's.
He raises his brows at me.