Page 67 of One Hot Rumor
"We love Nick!" Emery shouts, pumping her fist in the air. "We love Nick! We love Nick!"
Soon, more voices join her chant. At first, it's the American Wives Club screaming my name. Then, their husbands join in, and soon, it seems like everyone in the whole town is chanting their fervent support for me.
My eyes have grown watery, and a few tears roll down my cheeks. It's embarrassing, but I can't help it. I wipe my eyes and turn to the woman beside me.
Siobhan lifts onto her tiptoes and cradles my face in her hands, leaning in until her lips almost touch mine. "I love you, Nick."
Then she kisses me.
And I forget all about the crowd.
Chapter Twenty-Six
We fly back to America a few hours later, but only after the mayor of Cockshire makes an announcement. He tells the entire town that Nick Hunter is a valued, honorable member of the community who has provided a much-needed service to the town. Nick's Nirvana has helped countless people who have injuries and those who simply need the stress relief that a good massage can provide.
I was surprised when Nick cried a little, but he does it again after the mayor's speech. If he thinks a few tears make him any less hot, I'll prove him wrong during the flight home.
And I do. Twice.
Felicity meets us at Nick's apartment. Though we're tired from the journey, jet lag, and the emotional conclusion to our visit with his family, we both want to tell Felicity all about it before we crash. When we get to the end, the part where an entire town demonstrated their support for Nick, she starts to cry and hugs him hard.
"What was that for?" he asks when she finally lets go.
"You rock, and finally, everyone knows that. You'll be an awesome stepdad."
I intervene before my daughter can shock my boyfriend any worse. "Let's order pizza. I'm starving."
"Can we get dessert pizza too?" Felicity asks.
"Sure. Let's order breadsticks and make it a real pig-out."
Once Felicity leaves, we get naked and collapse onto the bed together, falling asleep right away. With the time difference, we gained seven hours from our journey home, so we manage to sleep for twelve hours but still wake up on time.
For a week, we go back to our normal lives. Nick goes to class, I go to work, and every night we have dinner together in his apartment or mine. I finally decided I don't care if anyone sees me with Nick. We're forty-something adults, not a sleazy older professor and her innocent young student. I haven't taken advantage of Nick. If I get fired for being with him, I don't care.
For the first time in ages, the thought of losing my job doesn't scare me, and my work matters less than my personal life. I always made Felicity my priority, giving up opportunities to go to faculty parties and brownnose. Now, though, I have two people who matter more than my career.
I know Nick misses his family, and he worries about his business. Sure, he's got Bennett and his other employees to handle things. Ben is such a sweetheart, and according to Nick, amazing at his job. I wonder if the American Wives Club will help him find his true love. I still don't know the secret Ben said he'd tell me later, but my curiosity can wait.
I miss Nick's family too. They're such wonderful people.
A week after we came home, Nick and I are snuggling on the sofa in my apartment when the phone rings. I answer it without glancing at the caller ID.
"Dr. Griffin, we have a problem."
I recognize the voice of the dean of the math department. "What is it? If another student cheated—"
"No, that's not the issue." He pauses for a couple of seconds. "Have you been dating a student?"
Oh shit. I'd known this might happen sometime, but I hadn't expected it so soon.
I won't lie, so I tell the dean, "Yes, I'm involved with Nick Hunter."
"Dr. Griffin, why?" he says with a sigh, clearly disappointed in me. "You were seen together, by a group of students and a faculty member. They said you two were holding hands and kissing. I have no choice but to report this to the ethics committee."