Page 19 of One Hot Christmas
I bring out the cards and shuffle them. "Sure you can handle getting your butt whupped by a girl? I'm awesome at go fish."
"My sister and I used to play this game when we were little. Stephanie hated to lose, which meant she was always annoyed after our tournaments."
"You played go fish tournaments?"
"Of course. It wasn't a hobby. It was war." He rests an arm on the sofa's back. "But my mother was the reigning champion. Sometimes after I beat Steph, Dad would play me and kick my arse. Then Mum would insist on showing Dad how the game should be played. No one beats Mum at go fish."
I can't help laughing. "I have got to meet your family sometime. They sound like a hoot."
The excitement floods out of his expression, and the light in his eyes dims. His shoulders droop. "Forgot how much fun we used to have. It's been a long time since we've done anything like that."
"That's too bad. Sounds like it was amazing. But maybe you guys can play go fish again when you get home."
He bows his head, and his voice gets softer. "My family doesn't live in England. They're…further away."
"Oh. When did you last see them?"
"Last week."
If he saw his family last week, why does he seem so sad when he talks about them? I know it's none of my business, which means I should lock my curiosity up in a little box in my head. If he wants to tell me, he will.
So instead of grilling him, I deal the cards. "You can go first."
He examines the cards I gave him. "Do you have any queens?"
"Nope. Go fish."
Ben doesn't get a queen that way either, which means he loses that hand. "I suppose it's time for me to remove an article of clothing."
"You can start with your socks if you want."
"No, I like to start big." He whips his shirt off and flings it aside. "Socks go last."
Maybe a part of me expected him to feel uncomfortable with stripping in front of me. He did get embarrassed last night when I accidentally caught him in the nude. But earlier, we did something very inappropriate in a restaurant, at his suggestion, so I shouldn't have assumed anything about him. Ben isn't shy. He might be soft-spoken at times and very polite in general, but he has a naughty streak too.
I love that about him.
"Your turn," Ben says. Then he glances at my breasts. "You'll be taking your shirt off in a few seconds."
"Don't get cocky. You just lost the first hand."
"Maybe I did that on purpose so I could get you randy by showing off my chest."
"You do have a great set of pecs and abs." I focus on my cards, chewing my lip while I mull my options. "Do you have any fours?"
"Bloody hell," he groans as he hands me two fours. "How did you know? Do you have a mirror hidden somewhere behind me?"
"No," I say with a laugh. "Just a good guess. You don't handle losing very well, do you?"
"Haven't lost yet. Not until I have no cards left."
"Or no clothes left."
"Good point."
Since it's still my turn, I ask him, "Got any jacks?"
"Ha! No, I don't have a single ruddy jack." He waves his hand in a sweeping gesture aimed at my chest. "Off with your shirt, please."