Page 27 of One Hot Christmas
"Not sure." I scrub my hands over my face and groan. "I don't want to upset my family or let my country down. But I can't live that way anymore. I love my life in England."
"Well, maybe you should just have fun here in New Hampshire and worry about the rest later." She brushes her fingers through my hair, grazing my scalp with every pass. "You seem super stressed about all this. I'm thinking you need a vacation. Lucky for you, I have a sofa bed waiting for you and lots of ideas for fun things we can do for the holidays."
"You are an angel, Sam."
She kisses my cheek. "I don't want you to leave yet, that's all. Does my ulterior motive bother you?"
"Not in the least. Have as many ulterior motives as you like."
"Well, I do have one other secret reason for wanting to keep you around." She places her mouth over my ear and whispers, "I love shagging you."
"And I love getting a leg over with you."
She wraps her tongue around my earlobe while she slides her hand up my thigh.
"Not sure we should be doing this," I say. "Your parents will be back soon. We probably shouldn't have sex at all while they're here."
"Didn't you ever sneak into a girl's room in the dead of night?"
"No, I couldn't. At boarding school, there were only boys. And in Mithoria, the castle had guards everywhere, so I couldn't sneak out."
Sam sits back, studying me with her lips puckered. After a moment, she smiles and pats my cheek. "Then you've got a lot of naughtiness to make up for."
"I've done that already, with you. Here on the sofa bed last night, in the restaurant today, and in the hot tub earlier."
"Oh, but you've got a lifetime's worth of bad behavior to catch up on." She slides over to straddle my lap. "Tonight, I want you to sneak into my bedroom and have your way with me."
"Your father wants to gut me like a fish."
"He was joking." She reaches down to lay her palm over my cock. "Besides, the whole point of being naughty is to toss all the rules out the window, and damn the consequences."
I pretend I'm considering the repercussions of doing what she suggests. Then I grasp her arse. "All right. I'm in. Let's be irresponsible."
She throws her hands up and whoops.
And I flip us both over so we're lying lengthwise on the sofa with me on top. "Let's start right now."
Her smile fades. "I almost forgot. We need to get the upstairs ready for my parents."
"Ah, well. I guess misbehaving can wait a little longer."
We head upstairs to what looks like an attic. It has a ceiling that slants low overhead as if it's following the pitch of the roof. Sam has a lot of boxes stacked inside this space, and it takes us a while to carry them downstairs and stow them in the walk-in closet in her bedroom. When we run out of space there, we stack the remaining boxes up against the wall in the upstairs room. It does have a small closet, but we have to leave that one empty for her parents to use. Now it's time to clean the room. A good sweeping-out sounds like enough to me, but Sam insists we have to sweep and mop the floors, not to mention cleaning the windows. We've left the little table that was in here where we found it. Her parents can use it as a nightstand.
Finally done with our task, we collapse onto the sofa together. Sam cuddles up to me, and I curl an arm around her shoulders.
The front door swings open. Chuck and Judy barrel into the house carrying multiple bags that have the names of various shops on them.
Sam and I get up to greet them.
The woman who encouraged me to be naughty gapes at the bags her parents are holding. "I thought you were just going into town to buy an air mattress."
"We bought more food too. I bet your cupboards are almost bare."
"Not almost bare. I don't have enough food for a small army, though, like you guys seem to have."
While Chuck and Judy set down their bags, he says, "We'll need to make more trips to town. Maybe even go to the big city. It's Christmastime, after all, which means lots of presents."
"Please don't go overboard," Sam says. "I was hoping for a quiet Christmas."