Page 50 of One Hot Christmas
Before I can consider that question, I need to explain a few things to my mother.
She's still staring at me blankly.
"I'm sorry, Mum," I say. "I know you think you're doing what's best for me, but you don't know me anymore. I never wanted to go to boarding school, but you sent me anyway so I could become a proper crown prince. I hated it. At university, I finally made some friends and started to enjoy my life. Then you tried to make me go back to Mithoria, but I got you to grudgingly agree I could take a few years to enjoy a normal life."
"Yes, I know what happened, Bennett. I was there."
"But I don't think you've ever really listened to me when I told you why I didn't want to go home. I love my job in Cockshire, and I have lots of mates there. Now I've met a woman I could see myself spending the rest of my life with. Don't you want me to be happy, Mum?"
"Of course I do."
"Then why did you drag me home for a months-long parade of avaricious girls? None of them like me. They want to become Princess of Mithoria one day, and they don't care what they have to do to make that happen. The last one tried to shag me on the balcony just to prove she can satisfy my sexual needs."
Mum snaps ramrod straight. "Don't be crude, Bennett. It doesn't befit a crown prince."
"I'm crude? Those girls are the unfit ones, not me. I behaved myself, always, even when I would've rather been back in Cockshire working at Nick's Nirvana. Now that I've found Sam, I will not let you drag me back to Mithoria so I can choose which greedy slag to marry."
"Bennett Worthington Montague, mind your mouth."
"No, I don't think I will. This is the real me, Mum. Maybe it's time you got to know your son, before you abduct me back to the place you call home. And kidnapping is the only way you'll get me to go anywhere with you."
Her mouth falls open.
I've well and truly stunned her this time. Maybe she's long overdue for a dose of reality, but I don't enjoy having a conversation like this with my mother. "I love you, Mum, I do. But you don't know me."
She drops her gaze to her lap, running her fingers over her dress in what seems like nervous movements. "Maybe you have a point. What do you suggest we do?"
Now it's my turn to stare blankly. She wants my opinion? That's never happened before.
"Uh, well…" I struggle to compose a coherent thought, so stunned that my mind is reeling. When Sam squeezes my hand, I glance at her and suddenly feel calmer. I kiss her cheek, then turn to my mother. "Why don't you stay for Christmas? That way you can get to know Sam and me."
"Stay here? In America?"
Yes, she's gaping at me again.
"That's right, Mum. Spend time in America." I smile at her. "Never know, you might make some new friends. Chuck and Judy are lovely people, and I think you'll like them."
"I can't leave your father alone at Christmas."
"So send the jet to bring him here. Have Stephanie come too."
Mum glances around. "This house does not look large enough to accommodate us."
"Buy sleeping bags and camp out on the floor."
Her eyes flare wide, and her face goes pale. "You want the Prince and Princess of Mithoria to camp out on a stranger's floor?"
"If you can't stomach that, Sam and I can take the floor. You and Dad can sleep in our room."
"Ourroom? You're sleeping with her?"
I roll my eyes. "Come on, Mum, you must've realized that earlier. I'm an adult, remember? I can shag whoever I want."
"The crown prince of Mithoria does not behave that way. Or use that word."
"Shag? Lots of people say that. I bet Dad uses that word when he wants to—"
"Enough, Bennett. Crudeness will not convince me to let you do what you want."