Page 58 of One Hot Christmas
He thrusts faster and harder as the bed begins to shake and creak. But when he raises onto his straight arms and punches into me with even more force, the bed thumps so loudly that it echoes inside the room and I'm positive whoever has the room under us can hear what's going on in the crown prince's bedroom. I don't care who hears us. The tension rises inside me, building like a boiling pot with a lid clamped over it, and I know soon that steam will blow my top.
Ben has his face scrunched up in a combination of pleasure and agony, and I know he's about to blow his top too.
I go first, my inner muscles squeezing him over and over while the orgasm fires down my nerves straight into my clit. I cling to him and scream his name. He reaches down to rub my still-rigid nub, scorching new and hotter pleasure through me while I cry out again. He pounds into me three more times, shouting my name while he throws his head back.
Ben lies down beside me, breathing hard.
I roll over to sprawl half over his body, drawing invisible circles on his chest with my finger. "That was amazing."
"Yeah, it was." He kisses the top of my head. "I finally seduced a girl in my royal quarters."
"Everybody probably heard us."
"I doubt it. The walls and floors are thick. But even if someone heard us, I don't care. Do you?"
"No. When I'm with you, I don't care what anyone else thinks."
He folds his arms around me. "Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. That means we will participate in the royal procession through town."
"We? I'm not a member of the royal family, so you must've meant 'we' as in you and your parents and Stephanie."
"No, I meant you." He hooks a finger under my chin, encouraging me to look up at him. "I want you by my side during the procession. Is that all right?"
"Yes. Of course I'll be there with you."
"Good," he says with a sigh, almost as if he was worried I might say no. "There's one more thing I need to ask you."
He wriggles out from under me and sits up, leaning over my body to get something out of the second drawer on the nightstand. When he kneels on the bed, I can see he's holding something in his hand, but I can't tell what it is because he closed his fist around it. "Maybe this isn't the most romantic way to do this, but I can't wait any longer."
"You can't wait for what?"
Ben sits back on his heels and waves his hand. "Get up, please.
I push myself up and kneel in front of him. "Ready."
He clears his throat and holds out the little box, flipping up the lid. "Samantha Lockhart, will you marry me?"
Yeah, he's got a diamond ring in that velvet box.
For a second, I'm so stunned that I can't speak to respond to his question. Then a grin stretches my lips. "Yes, of course I'll marry you, Ben."
He grins too. "You will? Even though my life is crazy and my family lives in a ruddy castle?"
"Don't care what your family does. You mean the world to me, Ben, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
He slips the ring onto my finger, tosses the box away, and drags me back down onto the bed. For the next hour, we make love and play and laugh until neither of us can keep our eyes open. Then we fall asleep tangled up in each other's arms.
Who knew a snowstorm would change my life forever?
Chapter Twenty-Three
Is there a better way to wake up in the morning than lying in bed with Sam draped over me? The answer is no. Nothing compares to this. Not only is she in my bed, naked and tousled, but she's also the first woman I've ever invited into this room, much less shagged in my "royal quarters." I've always thought that was a bloody stupid name for my bedroom. It sounds medieval, and I am a modern crown prince, not some arsehole who kidnaps women and forces them to marry me or become my sex slaves.
But Samismarrying me. She said yes.