Page 43 of One Hot Scandal
Avery bows her head and moans—pitifully, not in a sexy way. "Derek thinks he needs to protect me from you."
"From me? What have I ever done to the bloke?"
She raises her head to look straight at me. "He got online and saw the photos of us out on the town together. Then he read the articles about your scandal."
"Blimey. No wonder he wants to check on you." I glance at the clock in the kitchen. "Your hotel isn't that far from here. Depending on how quickly he can get a taxi, your brother might be here fairly soon."
Her eyes go wide. "Oh God, I'm wearing the same clothes as yesterday."
I cup her face in my hands. "Relax, darling. Your brother doesn't know that."
"Oh. Right." She hunches her shoulders and bites her bottom lip. "Sorry I freaked out. It's just that Derek has a habit of scaring away any guys I date that he doesn't like, just by showing up to glare at them."
I guide her over to the sofa, urging her to sit down, and rest my bum on the coffee table. "Don't worry about me. I'm not a weakling."
"You don't know my brother. He needs to be very tough to do his job."
"What sort of job does he have?"
"Derek is a bodyguard. And an amateur boxer. He's won eleven bouts."
He does sound quite tough. Still, if I can handle the MacTaggarts, this brother of hers won't frighten me. But Avery is panicking, which I haven't seen her do before. She must care what her brother thinks of her life choices, otherwise she wouldn't be in such a state. "Are you worried he won't approve of me? Or are you starting to regret what we did last night?"
"Neither. I've dated guys Derek didn't like. The ones who ran away weren't worth my time, anyway."
"I will not run. Don't care what Derek says or does."
She blinks rapidly, her eyes large, as she gazes at me. "You really aren't worried, are you?"
"No." I get up and wave for her to stay put when she starts to rise too. "Relax on the sofa, pet, while I make breakfast—for three."
I head for the kitchen, but something makes me pause at the bar to glance back at Avery. She sits on the sofa with her knees drawn up and her arms locked around them, seeming much younger and less like a businesswoman. Her casual blouse and jeans make her seem even more innocent. After what I did with her last night and this morning, I can't claim to be innocent myself. Am I corrupting her? No, Avery is a strong and confident woman who makes her own decisions. But a surprise visit from a family member can knock even the most mature person off balance.
I want to go over there and…just hold her.
But instead, I walk into the kitchen and start making breakfast. Avery needs comfort food now, so I decide on eggy bread and bacon. A dash of vanilla will improve the flavor and the smell of our food, so I add that to the mix. Just as I've finished cooking everything, the doorbell rings.
Avery flies off the sofa, spinning around to gawp at the door. "It's Derek."
"Yes, love, I'm sure it is." I walk out of the kitchen, heading for the door, but I hesitate halfway there to glance back at her. "Do you need a tranquilizer?"
"Oh God, yes."
I march over there, pull her into my arms, and kiss her.
The doorbell rings again.
When I pull away from her, she gazes at me with a slightly dazed expression. I kiss her forehead. "There. You're ready now."
I stride to the door and swing it open.
A muscular gent with massive biceps and eyes the same color as Avery's glowers at me. "You must be the British jackass who's making time with my baby sister."
"You must be the American lout who thinks his adult sister needs his protection." I hold out my hand. "Hugh Parrish, the Viscount Sommerleigh."
"Uh-huh." He glances at my hand, his lip curling. "Where's Avery?"
I give up and lower my arm. Then I hook a thumb over my shoulder. "Over there, in the living room."