Page 13 of Lachlan in a Kilt
Erica tips her head back like she's straining to find my lips. Our mouths pass a breath away from each other. The hunger I'd experienced last night erupts inside me again, and any second I'll develop a raging erection. If she didn't smell so good and gaze at me with such longing…
Her tongue sneaks out to tease my lips.
I suck in a sharp breath.
She slides her tongue across my mouth again.
Bod an Donais, I'm not a robot. No man could resist Erica when she's acting this way, and she's even more sensual and desirable today. I should be a gentleman and do what's right. But in the face of her simmering desire, and with blood swiftly filling my cock, I do the exact opposite of the right thing.
"Tonight," I murmur. "Be mine tonight."
Her eyelids flutter closed and then part slightly, her glossy gaze pinned to mine. "What are you suggesting?"
"Spend the night with me."
"What?" She blinks a few times as if she's got grit in her eyes.
And I cannae stop myself. I scrape my lips over hers. "I want you in my bed, for the month. When I leave, we never see each other again."
Her lips fall open, and she stops blinking.
I let my mouth slide into a smile. "Be my American fling."
Chapter Six
Erica just stares at me. I can't blame her for being confused, possibly shocked, by what I've suggested. Then again, she did go to that club to meet a stranger and have a fling. Why should my offer sound barmy to her? We want each other, and the more I think about what I suggested, the more sensible it sounds.
Aye, that probably means I'm off my head.
But I need to spend four weeks fucking this woman. I've never had a one-night stand. My marriage had taken up most of my adult life, so I never had the chance to spend a night with a stranger. Not that I would have, even if the opportunity had arisen. It's not in my nature. Everyone thinks my brother Aidan is that sort, but I know he isn't. Aye, he loves to flirt with the lasses, but he would not talk a bonnie, sweet American into a meaningless affair. My brother Rory might do that. We've all had our suspicions that every time he goes on a business trip, he shags a stranger. My uptight younger brother always comes home in a more relaxed state of mind than when he'd left.
Erica leans backward and puckers her lips.
Our gazes remain bound to each other. I couldn't look away if I wanted to, but I don't want to sever the connection. Her eyes entrance me.
Casey bounds off the sofa and nuzzles my hand, then gives it a sloppy lick, his eyes beseeching me in the way only a dog can manage. The pup slathers his tongue over my hand again, and I can't resist Erica's dog any more than I can resist her.
So I pat the pup's head.
Casey glances at his mistress and wags his tail.
While I keep stroking the dog's head, I face Erica. "Think about it, please. We could have an incredible month."
"Then you leave."
She aims a stern look at me. "Let me get this straight. I dash over here every night for a quick roll in the hay? Then I skedaddle back to my place, so we don't accidentally develop a relationship."
My plan sounds bloody ridiculous when she phrases it that way. I open my mouth to tell her that.
She silences me with one raised finger.
Casey lies down at my feet. Well, at least the pup approves of my plan.
Erica scrubs her palms on her thighs. "Look, I realize my behavior last night might've given you the wrong impression of me. I'm sorry. I had no intention of leading you on. But I am not a casual-sex kind of girl."
And I'm not that sort of bloke, but I want her like I've never wanted anything before.