Page 24 of Lachlan in a Kilt
"I will get an answer on this, Lachlan," Rory says. "You have my word on it. I'll get to the bottom of this mess whatever it takes. If all else fails, I will ring Stephen Beckham at the Home Office. He has contacts everywhere. One way or another, we will settle the matter once and for all."
I force words out between my gritted teeth. "Sort it out. That's what I pay you for, man." Why am I talking to Rory as if he's my solicitor only, not also my brother? Of course I know he'll move heaven and earth to fix this problem. That's the sort of man he is. "It has to be a mistake. I can't abide another fight with that bitch—"
My gaze lands on Erica, whose brows have lifted, and I freeze.
Bloody hell. I'd all but forgotten about her.
"Wait, Rory," I say. Holding the mobile to my chest, I tell Erica, "Personal call."
Her lips pucker, and her eyes narrow.
What must she think of me, snarling and shouting at someone she can't see? I'm behaving like a wild beast, not like a mature adult. Aisley does this to me, always. Aye, it's entirely her fault I took a call while I still had my hand inside another woman's knickers.
I climb over Erica to get up off the sofa. "Och, I'm sorry. Please forgive me."
"Huh?" She seems dazed again, most likely because I've left her on the edge of orgasm.
"Erica—" What can I say? My chin drops to my chest, and with a rough shake of my head, I turn away from the woman I want like mad and stalk down the hallway to discuss the problem of the wife I can't get rid of.
Once I'm well away from the living room, I hold the mobile to my ear again. "I want to know exactly how this happened, Rory. If Aisley cocked up the paperwork on purpose—"
"I'll find out, and she will regret it."
Rory's steely tone assures me he means that, but I would've known he meant it anyway. MacTaggarts stand by each other, no matter what.
"I know anything to do with Aisley gets you up to high doh," Rory says, "but you really should try to relax. You're on holiday, so do something enjoyable that doesn't involve finance."
"Yes, I know I need to relax. And I know I shouldn't let my ex-wife have this effect on me." But no one realizes what that woman has put me through. I never want anyone to know. Cannae believe how much I put up with in my vain attempts to please Aisley. "I promise to do something enjoyable."
"Good. I'll ring you as soon as I know anything."
"Thank you. Cheers, Rory."
"Cheers, Lachlan."
I disconnect the call. Aye, there's one thing I would love to do that will be enjoyable for certain. But I'll need to apologize to Erica first—grovel if necessary—or she'll never let me shag her. Not that I should do that now. She needs more time to get used to the idea, and I've just given her ample reasons to change her mind.
Leaning back against the wall, I take a few minutes to calm down, taking slow, deep breaths until my heartbeat slows. Then I walk back into the living room.
"I'm awfully sorry, Erica," I say as I stop beside her, where she's admiring one of Gil's pictures on the living-room wall. Though I try to smile, it feels strained. "Best take you home."
"I'll get your things."
Though it's the last thing I want to do, I hurry away to retrieve the brownies and the bag she carried the treats in. Once I've stuffed the brownies back into the bag, I offer it to Erica.
She waves it away. "Keep the brownies."
"They're yours."
"No." She pushes the bag away when I thrust it toward her. "I made them for you. Just return the dish when you're done with it."
I set the bag on the coffee table, but I can't meet her gaze when I speak. "Thank you."
"No biggie."
She takes my hand as we leave the house, heading across the lawn to her front door. I can't understand why she wants to hold my hand after the way I behaved, but I seem incapable of releasing her hand. It feels good to have a woman's palm pressed to mine.