Page 9 of Lachlan in a Kilt
"Okay-okay," Erica says, rushing forward to plant herself between me and the piece of human shit who harassed her. "Let's end this right now. You two walloping each other won't solve anything."
Aye, but it would feel bloody good to do it.
I arch one brow at her. "Sure you don't want me to give him a right skelping with a caber?"
"A caper?" the ersehole says with a snigger. "Ooooh, hitting me with pickled garnish sounds real scary."
I smile at him in a manner sure to convince him I'm not joking. "A caber's a very large wooden pole. Best know what yer on about before ye start bumping yer gums, laddie."
The man's forehead wrinkles as he glances sideways at Erica. "Where'd you find this jerk-wad?"
"He's my new neighbor." She points a finger in the direction of the yellow Alfa Romeo parked at the curb. "You have no place in my life anymore. Go."
How could a lovely woman like Erica get involved with a cretin like this man?
The human shit pile grinds his teeth, his lips working, his gaze nailed to mine.
Does he actually believe he can intimidate me?
The scunner hunches his shoulders and trudges toward his car. As he jerks the driver's door open, he calls out to me, "How ya like my ride, Scotch Tape?"
I give him a big smile. "Quite nice, I must say. Shame I had to leave my Aston Martin back at Inverness, but I've got pictures if you'd like to see."
The bastard dives into the car and yanks the door shut, making the vehicle rock. The Alfa Romeo's engine roars to life. Tires squeal as he tears off down the street.
I sigh. "A right scunner, that one, but a coward at heart."
"He's a lying, cheating asshole too," Erica says. Her entire body seems to be trembling faintly.
I touch her arm. "You're shaking. Let me help you inside."
"I'm fine." She gazes into my eyes, and her posture relaxes a touch. "Thank you, Lachlan. I'm grateful for your help with Presley."
"That'd be the lying, cheating ersehole."
She looks so exhausted and downtrodden that I can't stop myself from sliding my hand down her arm to take her hand, sandwiching it between both of mine. "Is there someone I could call for you? A relative or friend or…someone."
"I'm fine, I swear. I appreciate your concern, but I have to go."
Erica's dog bounds out the open door to hurl his body at me. His front paws land on my stomach, and I bend down to wrap my arms around the pup, muttering the sort of silly bollocks most people say to dogs.
When I straighten, the pup trots to Erica and sits down.
She scratches the dog's head, looking down at his innocent face. "You're not fooling anybody. Sit and stay, my ass." She looks at me. "Thank you. Again."
I shrug. "I cannot abide bullies. Heard a right rammy going on over here and came to offer my assistance. In the name of neighborliness, of course."
She's twirling a lock of hair with one finger, but then she seems to notice she's doing that and clamps her hand at her nape.
Is that a slight blush on her cheeks? That would mean she wants me.
Christ, I want her. I can't help smiling at the bonnie, sexy, sweet lass.
"Um…" Erica begins, but she can't seem to figure where to go from there. "I could've handled Presley on my own, but I appreciate the save."
"Anytime, lass, anytime. But you can stop thanking me. Three times is plenty."