Page 103 of Aidan in a Kilt
She seems puzzled for a moment, then understanding irons out the wrinkles on her forehead. "If you mean the itty-bitty fetus growing inside me, nothing you do is going to hurt it."
"Good." I roll us both over, with my wife on top. "But to be safe, you should take the reins this time."
"Oh, I see. This is for safety." She spreads her hands on my chest and pushes up into a half-sitting position with those bonnie breasts dangling in front of me. "I thought you just liked watching my boobs bounce."
I wag my eyebrows. "That I do."
She raises onto her knees, closes her hand around my cock, and positions the head at her opening. "You ready for hot, married sex?"
"We've already done that,mo leannan."
"But this time it's hot, married, we're-having-a-baby sex."
"Ah, that is different."
With her hand still sealed around myslat, she says, "Aidan, you've given me everything I didn't know I wanted. Let me show you how grateful I am."
She slides onto my cock, inch by inch, while her cream coats my flesh and the heat of her drives me mad. My wife keeps tormenting me with that body until I'm seated snug inside her, then she exhales a satisfied breath.
I grasp her hips and give her a wicked grin. "I'm grateful I found a wife who's such a great fuck."
She slaps my chest. "Arrogant Scot."
"Cheeky American."
What do we do for the rest of the night? Shag each other mindless, of course. That's what honeymooners do, though our official honeymoon doesn't begin until tomorrow. I cannae wait to see the French Riviera for the first time, with my new wife, but that experience will pale beside the miracle I've been given. My perfect woman crashed into me in a nightclub and changed my life forever. If I had never tried to re-create Lachlan's happy ending, I might never have found mine.
But I did. Nothing else matters.
Well, nothing else except making sure my wife comes for me so many times she can't walk in the morning. She doesn't need to walk. I'll carry her to the car, and onto Lachlan's jet.
I gaze up at my wife while she rocks her hips and plants her palms on my chest. She gives me a saucy smile, then bends to whisper in my ear, "Ready to rock the house, Kilt Boy?"
"Aye, let's make noise."
The past means nothing anymore because I have the perfect future ahead of me—ahead of us.
And it's time to make this house rock like an earthquake.
Ten Months Later
Newlyweds are meant to be shagging relentlessly and ignoring their families because they're too wrapped up in each other to give a toss about anything else. Aye, that's what Calli and I should be doing. Maybe we've been married for almost a year, but that still puts us in the honeymoon phase, and if I have my way, we will never leave that phase. But instead of having a poke with my wife, we're babysitting my brother Rory. Aye, that means we got Jamie to babysit our wee daughter, Sarah, so we could chaperone my brother as part of a bloody insane plan to "help" Rory find his "happy ending."
I thought "happy ending" meant an orgasm, but then, I'm a man. I expect definitions of words and phrases to stay the same, but women come up with different ones every day.
So aye, babysitting Rory is exactly what I'm doing on this bonnie day, under a clear blue sky. My wife talked me into this, but Erica had suggested it. Naturally, Rory has no idea what Calli and Erica have cooked up for him. They claimed I had to be the one to talk Rory into this outing because I lie better than Lachlan does. Not sure if that's a compliment.
Why are we treating a thirty-nine-year-old man like a wee bairn? Because our wives told us to. Need I say more?
Lachlan and I should never have let our wives become friends. Now they believe Rory needs to find "true happiness" with "the right woman" who will show him how to "let go of the past." Neither of those lasses has ever seen my brother in his full-on Ogre of Loch Fairbairn persona, so they have no clue how he'll react to their meddling. Even I'm not sure. But Lachie and I seem incapable of denying our wives anything—even if what they want is to interfere in Rory's life.
That explains why, on this beautiful Saturday afternoon, I've given up the chance to make love to my wife so I can "cheer up" my brother. Rory has pulled ahead of us by a few paces, which gives me a chance to talk to Calli.
"What are we doing?" I whisper.
"Helping Rory."