Page 55 of Aidan in a Kilt
"Sorry, that's a promise I can't keep. It's too much fun calling you Lachie."
"You and Jamie love tormenting the adults in the family."
His mention of our sister turns our conversation to the subject he'd wanted to discuss today—Jamie's barmy plan to find an American man. Lachlan points out that I had a similar plan to find a wife, but I reject the comparison. It's different when the person with the barmy idea is my baby sister. And aye, that makes me a hypocritical erse. Donnae care.
Lachlan pauses in the middle of our Jamie conversation, and he gets a serious tone in his voice when he speaks again. "How are you, Aidan, really?"
"Fine. I'm having a bloody fantastic holiday in Michigan."
"Glad to hear it. But your problems won't disappear because you had a good time. Your company is—"
"I know what's going on with my own company. Donnae need you to tell me about it." Is that me sounding grumpy?Bod a' chac. I'm turning into Rory. "Sorry, Lachie, but I don't want to think about that right now."
"You can't ignore it for much longer." Lachlan sighs in the exasperated way he loves to do whenever he talks to any of his siblings. "Let me help. I have more than enough money, and you could call it an investment or a grant if that will make you feel better."
The only way I will feel better about this conversation is if I hang up on Lachlan. I know he means well, but honestly, I'm not a bairn. I can deal with my problems on my own.
But even if I sort out my company's problems and somehow resurrect the business, I still have the Seona issue.
I slouch into the sofa, twisting my mouth into a half frown, my gaze aimed in the general direction of the windows overlooking the backyard. Two blurry shapes that vaguely resemble puppies race back and forth across the lawn, slaloming around the cedar trees.
"Don't be stubborn, Aidan," Lachlan says.
I pinch the bridge of my nose with my thumb and forefinger, glancing down at my lap. "I donotwant your money."
"You're skint," my brother helpfully points out as if I don't know that, "and we can help. There's no shame in letting your family lend a hand."
"It's not a hand," I grouse. "It's charity."
Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Calli skulking up behind me. She raises onto her toes and peeks over my shoulder. I'm sitting here with one ankle lodged on the opposite knee and my mobile balanced on that knee.
"Erica worries about you," Lachlan says, "and she won't give up until I convince you to take the bloody money."
"Cannae say no to your wife, Lachie?" I say with a cheeky tone in my voice as I shake my head at my brother, though he can't see it.
"I know what you're doing, Aidan. Calling me Lachie to fash me, hoping I'll give up. But you know how Erica is when she sets her mind to something."
"Aye, I know," I sigh. "But I've got my pride. No money, Lachlan."
Some kind of noise in the background of the call makes Lachlan grunt. "Erica says to tell you that you're a pigheaded goof, and when you're home she's going to—I'm not saying that, love."
The last bit was aimed at Erica, for sure. My brother doesn't call me "love."
"What are you not going to do, Lachie?" I ask, not even trying to erase the sarcasm from my voice.
He groans out a sigh. "She says she'll whoop your stubborn erse until it shines bright red like Rudolph's reindeer nose."
"Och," I say, chuckling. "I'm terrified. Never coming home now."
I turn my head slightly, arching one brow at Calli.
She winces, then bows her head to eye me from under her lashes. Her sheepish smile is adorable.
That's right. I caught her eavesdropping, and I'll need to think of the right way for her to atone for her behavior. Something that involves nudity.
Calli moves forward, bending down to rest her forearms on the sofa's back on either side of my head.