Page 36 of Rory in a Kilt
Perhaps I am, but I hadn't anticipated how my brother would react to the news of my marriage.
"Are ye sure ye didn't hallucinate it?" Lachlan asks. "Maybe someone slipped you drugs and—"
"Just tell the bloody family," I growl. "We'll be there tomorrow."
I hang up on Lachlan. Once he recovers from the shock, he'll do as I asked. Now, I need to pray that the entire MacTaggart clan doesn't turn up at the Inverness airport—with Jack carrying a straitjacket.
Time to return to my wife.
I heave my body out of the chair, tucking the mobile in my pocket, and slide the glass door open so I can stride inside. When I catch sight of Emery, I lift one brow in a silent question. She's talking to someone on her mobile.
"Mom, Dad, please," she says, "try to be cool about this, okay? I know you haven't met Rory but—"
I commandeer her phone. "Mr. and Mrs. Granger, this is Rory MacTaggart."
Even I'm surprised by how calm and almost pleasant I sound, considering that my face feels as if it's tightening up like papier-mâché that's drying on my skin.
My wife gawps at me.
"Please accept my apologies," I say to her parents, "for sweeping your daughter off her feet with a whirlwind courtship and marriage. I need to go home tomorrow, and I couldn't bear to leave without her. However, I should've spoken to you first, so this wouldn't have been such a shock. I hope you can forgive me."
"You'd better treat our baby right," Emery's mother says. "We're not afraid to use physical force if you hurt her."
"That's right," a male voice says, and I assume it's Emery's father. "We don't want our girl to end up alone in a foreign country, abandoned by the man who seduced her into marrying him faster than I can get my car detailed."
Emery pushes up off the sofa, staring at me so intently that I feel as if she's trying to read my thoughts.
"You have my word," I inform her parents. "I will do everything in my power to ensure Emery is happy. She will not be alone in a foreign country. She has me—and my family. But you should visit as soon as possible. I'm certain you'll feel more comfortable with the situation once we've met."
"We live in Australia," Mrs. Granger says. "And we're not rich like you. We can't just hop on a plane. And what about her sister? Hadley will be worried too. They're very close."
"Never mind the expense," I assure the Grangers. "I'll send my jet for you. And of course, I will have Emery's sister and her family flown in as well. Let us know when you can take a holiday, and I'll arrange everything."
My gaze veers to Emery. Is it my imagination, or does she seem aroused? No, that's barmy.
She tears the mobile from my hand. "We'll be in touch to talk travel details. It's our wedding night, so forgive the rude goodbye but—goodbye."
Emery tosses her mobile onto the coffee table.
I can't help smiling a wee bit. My wife rudely hung up on her parents. And she thinks I'm gruff.
"Thank you," she says, "for handling my parents like that. Once they calm down, they'll be stoked about getting a free trip to Scotland."
"I look forward to meeting them."
"One more thing." She jabs a finger toward my chest. "Don't ever butt into my life again. I don't like being bossed around, even if it turns me on big time the way you take charge and get things done."
With deliberate slowness, I retrieve my mobile from my pocket. "Should I order dinner?"
"Later." She seizes the lapels of my suit jacket and hauls me closer. "Take me into the bedroom and fuck me."
"Whatever my wife desires."