Page 81 of Rory in a Kilt
I glide my tongue straight down the center of her cleft, dipping it inside her opening only to snatch it away.
"Don't stop," she pleads. "Kiss me the way you did on our wedding night."
One side of my mouth kicks up as I place a soft kiss on her clit. "Mah woman needs to come, and ahmno letting ye down."
She lashes her hands around the headboard rails again, her chest heaving with every breath, her chest dappled with rosy pink.
I draw her clit into my mouth but keep my gaze riveted to hers even while I maintain a measured pace of lapping and suckling, groaning softly because the flavor of her makes me starved for more, for all of her, wrapped around me while I take her body. My cheeks cave in as I suckle her flesh vigorously, and my lips pucker around her nub while I rasp my tongue over it. She writhes like a wild thing, her hips bucking every time I pull on her flesh, only to bounce down onto the mattress when I release the pressure—though only for a heartbeat.
She thrashes her head and whimpers, but it's not anguish this time. She loves what I'm doing to her.
I wedge a hand between her thighs, questing with my fingertips until I find her entrance.
"Rory," she gasps.
That simple word, spilling from her lips, ignites a bonfire inside me. I dive a single finger inside her and whisk it back out, only to punch in again and retreat. Then I add a second finger, pushing both inside her slick channel and pulling them out in a leisurely thrusting motion.
"P-please," she begs between harsh breaths. "Please, oh God, make me come."
My brows inch upward, and my lips tighten as I smile with her clit still caught in my mouth. Even while my cock pulses, its need for her as intense as mine, I don't let up for even half a second, determined to suckle her flesh until she comes for me. I crook my fingers inside her, stretching them toward a spot I've read can push a woman over the edge, and I stroke it while I nip at her clit and chafe my thumb along the center of her cleft.
Her back flattens into the mattress as she hoists her hips and her heels lift off the mattress. She clings to the rails, her mouth falling open.
And she comes for me, screaming my name.
The climax rips through her in pulsating waves that grip my fingers, but I keep rubbing that spot inside her. Sharp cries erupt from her while she flails and shouts and screams my name again. When her release finally wanes, she goes limp beneath me, her gaze unfocused, struggling to regain her breath.
I've never seen anything as beautiful as Emery when she comes. To have her eyes on me the entire time… It affected me in ways I don't want to examine right now.
Rising onto my hands and knees, I crawl forward until my face is above hers. "Ye didnae close yer eyes."
"Couldn't. You were—" She gulps in a breath. "Didn't want to stop looking at you."
I fan a hand over her belly. "I love the way yer always wet and ready for me."
She lifts her trembling arms to clasp my nape. "You make me hot and wet without even touching me, just the look in your eyes does me in."
I nuzzle her throat. "You make me hard as granite with only a smile."
"Really." She frees one hand to wrap it around my cock. "Oh. You weren't exaggerating."
"Complete honesty, that's what you wanted."
She moves her hand up to the base of my erection, then slides it down my length. "Honesty can be so hot."
I throw an arm out, fumbling for the drawer on the nightstand. When I locate the metal latch, I yank the drawer open. My breaths huff out of me while I grab for a condom packet, and it slips from my grasp. With a spluttered curse in Gaelic, I snag the packet and slam the drawer shut.
"Let me help," Emery says, reaching for the foil packet.
I close my fist around it and growl, "I'll die from lust if ye lay even one of yer wee, dainty fingers on me."
"Told you before, no one dies from lust."
"With you, a man could." I tear the packet open with my teeth and spit out the fragment. "Ye turn me into a bampot, with yer smiles and the way ye move that body."
"What's a bampot?"