Page 9 of Incendiary in a Kilt
"Ma, you make it sound like Da passed away last week. It's been eighteen years, and ye have a boyfriend."
"I'm too old for boyfriends. Ailpean is my lover."
"Your what?" I whirl away from the window, too shocked by mother's statement to think about Ashley's body anymore. "I thought you two were dating."
"Aye. And adults have a poke now and then, Errol. I donnae expect you've been celibate all your life because you've never had a serious girlfriend."
"Well, that's different." I scratch my cheek, then scratch my forehead, though I have no idea why I do that. "Can we stop talking about your sex life, Ma?"
"Oh, aye." She pauses and clears her throat. "So,gràidh, who's your new lass? Ye haven't introduced her to me yet."
"I don't have a new lass."
"What about the bonnie brunette who visited you at Dùndubhan yesterday? I hear she was inside your house earlier today too."
"That's Ashley, and she is not my girlfriend."
"But Magnus said you kissed her."
"He—What?" Magnus wasn't there when I did that, so I have no idea how he could have told Ma I kissed the lass. Then again, MacTaggarts are nosy and sneaky. I'll need to interrogate my cousin about that later. "Ashley is not my girlfriend. End of discussion. I need to go, Ma."
"All right. But come to dinner tomorrow night. Ailpean and I would love to see you."
What choice do I have? I want Ma to be happy, so I groan and say, "I'll be there. Tomorrow night."
"And see if Ashley can come too."
No way in hell. But I don't tell my mother that. "We'll see. Goodbye, Ma."
I stuff my mobile back in my pocket and turn toward the window without thinking about it.
Ashley is still lying there on her chaise, wearing the skimpiest bikini on earth.
That lass will drive me mad. That's a dead certainty. But I might not mind so much if she does.
Chapter Four
Okay, I sunbathed in my tiniest bikini just to get Errol worked up. I suppose that was a dirty trick. But he kicked me out of his house and didn't let me finish explaining why I need his help and what is involved. No, I can't tell him everything. Still, he could've given me the courtesy of listening to my entire spiel.
I do enjoy sunbathing, so my display wasn't entirely for his benefit. Mostly. But not only for that reason. And I told the truth when I said I'm honestly attracted to him. Subterfuge is not my style. But a girl does whatever she has to do to get things done in a desperate situation.
This evening, I've decided to give Errol a break and focus on planning my expedition. I had developed a loose framework, but it's time to double down and make a real plan. I will assume I'll gain Errol's cooperation eventually, so I leave room in my plan for that. If he doesn't cooperate… I don't know what I'll do. I can't make this happen on my own, but I can't trust anyone else to go with me. Nobody else has Errol's amazing brain coupled with his love of adventure.
I still can't understand why he hasn't done anything exciting since his escapade with Magnus and Piper. Solving that mystery might also reveal his reasons for refusing to sign on for my expedition. It couldn't possibly be as dangerous as tangling with antiquities thieves and a murderous billionaire.
Yeah, Errol did that. I read about it in newspaper stories from around the UK. What happened to that amazing, fearless man? I need him to become that hero again—right now.
Someone knocks on my door.
I toss my papers onto the coffee table and rush over to pull the door open. "Errol."
"Aye, it's me. At least you aren't so barmy that you cannae remember my name." He skims his gaze over my body and clears his throat. "What are ye wearing?"
"It's called a robe."
He rolls his eyes. "I know that. But why are you wearing it now? Do ye even have clothes on under it?"