Page 15 of The Buzz: Vol. One
Saoirse squeaked but didn’t protest or safe out so Arthur tugged her white cotton panties down to the middle of her thighs. With his hand between her shoulder blades he could feel her fast shallow breathing.
“Relax, princess. You’re okay. You can say ‘cherries’ anytime if this isn’t fun, okay? But if it is, settle down and be a good girl for Father Gideon.”
She nodded tightly, her hands clenched alongside her head.
Gideon came to stand alongside her and didn’t waste any time in landing a swat across Saoirse’s backside with his hand. It was harder than Arthur would normally warm her up with but he didn’t think she’d last long anyhow. Her eyes were already glazed over and her lips were still parted. She’d been so stressed for the past few weeks she was wound tight and needed to be snapped—an intense and overwhelming scene should be just the thing.
She squeaked and twitched as Gideon started raining spanks across her buttocks and down to the tops of her thighs. Her bottom always turned the prettiest pink and Arthur stole glances at it in between studying her face for any signs of distress. They never came.
“I still don’t think she’s learned her lesson,” Gideon said, and then took up the ruler, barely pausing before he was bringing the wood down on Saoirse’s plump ass. God, she was delicious.
“Miss Sullivan is quite the tough little girl,” Arthur said. “I think we might need to use something sturdier than a ruler to impart this virtue.”
Saoirse mewled and his dick pulsed. He loved the sounds she made, wanted to eat her all up. In a bit, he would. First he and Gideon had discussed a spanking position that would push some of Saoirse’s many buttons.
After he’d stripped her panties off entirely, they took her by the biceps and marched her over to the bench where there were some thick wooden paddles waiting. Arthur wasn’t much of a paddle man—he enjoyed the feel of spank-warmed flesh too much to want anything between his hand and his bottom’s backside—but they both wanted to see her cry and using any implement other than his belt was a surefire way to have Saoirse sniffling and wailing in short order.
He and Gideon sat next to each other on the bench and parted their legs, pulling Saoirse forward so she was standing astride one of each of their thighs. It was an awkward position, unstable, and it was easy to tip her over at the waist from there so her torso was resting on the bench and they could trap her thighs between theirs and grab her hands and press them to the small of her back.
Yes, she’d been rendered quite helpless and by the way she let out a series of breathy little moans and squirmed over their laps, she was enjoying the vulnerability. They started by hand-spanking her hot and swollen flesh again but didn’t take long before they picked up the paddles and started covering her backside with harsh swats that made her cry out. Luckily she was pinned down and helpless so she wouldn’t be able to move enough to cause trouble, but she wanted to. Oh, she wanted to.
They paddled her behind until her moans and cries turned to begging and apologizing in between sobs.
“Please, please. Mr. Tyndall, Father Gideon, I’m so so sorry. I’ll never talk out of turn again. I promise to be the best behaved girl in the class, in the school. Ow! Please, just, please stop. It hurts, it hurts.”
“Naughty girls get punished and punishments hurt,” Arthur said, knowing she was only a few more strikes away from breaking down entirely, which he conveyed to Gideon with a lift of his chin, and Gideon nodded back.
“We’re going to paddle you until we’re absolutely certain you’re very sorry, Miss Sullivan, and sure you’ll never act out again,” Gideon stated.
“I won’t, I promise, I—Ow! Oh, please, please, I can’t…”
“You can and you will. Ten more,” Arthur told her. And then he and Gideon took turns bringing the paddles down in the hardest strikes yet across her bottom. And by the end, Saoirse was breathless and bawling and limp. Lovely.
Between he and Gideon they managed to get her over to the couch and curled up on Arthur’s lap, still crying uncontrollably and wailing, clutching at his shirt and burying her face in his shoulder.
Gideon got a blanket and draped it over her before sitting on the other side of the couch.
“Can I get you anything?” the priest asked Arthur, though his gaze was glued to Saoirse.
“You could pass me that bottle of water.”
It was just out of reach and he wouldn’t disturb Saoirse unless the place were on fire. Her crying was starting to slow and he knew from the several times he’d wrecked her like this that she’d be asleep soon. Once she was merely sniffling, he’d offer her a paci and she’d nap for a bit.
Gideon cracked the cap and handed it to him and sat again. He was a fun and responsible play partner—if Saoirse had enjoyed herself and was willing to subject herself to their ministrations again, he’d do it in a heartbeat. He’d do anything for his little princess.
Chapter Five
After having her ass so thoroughly beat by her daddy and her priest—herpriest!—Saoirse had been lost in a maelstrom of weeping. It was nice in a way, to be so overcome by sensation that she couldn’t think about anything else. Even if that sensation was pain. It was very clarifying, cleansing. She felt a mess now with her tear-smeared face and her sniffling but when she woke, she would feel clean. Hollowed out, but in a nice way. Pure.
Her daddy put her paci to her lips and she took it gratefully, glad for the comfort suckling brought her. It was easy and mindless and pleasurable and she drifted off listening to the solid beat of Arthur’s heart and the low murmur of her daddy’s voice mixed with Father Gideon’s.
A lot of times when she got spanked she liked to fuck afterward, or at least get off somehow. But this had been different from the good girl spankings she got sometimes, or even the disciplinary spankings she got more often. This one had been meant to be harsh, verging on brutal, designed to clear her head, and she was grateful.
Maybe even tomorrow when she would sit and suck air through her teeth because her ass was so deliciously sore and she’d find herself horny as hell but she didn’t need that now. The spanking and the tears had been the point.
She stirred when someone brushed back some hair from her forehead and planted a kiss at her temple.
“Thank you so much, sweet girl,” a low voice softened with a slight English accent said. Father Gideon, yes. “You’re a lovely gift. I’ve got to leave you with your daddy now but I’ll see you Sunday morning. He’s so lucky to have a precious little girl like you.”