Page 34 of The Buzz: Vol. One
Daddy was apparently still awake and shifted to spoon Ian so Sir could slide under the covers next to her. She loved being in bed, all four of them, so much. They had given her everything she’d ever asked for and more, and she’d give them her whole self. Limbs and fingers twisting together, lips on skin, soft sighs of contentment lulled her to sleep, safe in her daddies’ embrace.
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I hope you loved watching Ryker coming home to Cosima, Hudson, and Ian! In case you missed their story, you can read their whole journey to an HEA inCosima’s Club Owner Daddies.
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Happy Gotcha Day
A Cosima’s Club Owner Daddies Novella
Please note that this is bonus content, and can best be enjoyed after readingCosima’s Club Owner Daddies!
Chapter One
It was a Tuesday afternoon and Cosima was in her playroom, coloring a new pet book Papa had given her. Even though they were simple pictures and she’d managed to color in three of them—one for each of her daddies—it had taken her way longer than it should have.
Her daddies were definitely keeping something from her. All of them. Even Papa, who was usually terrible with secrets. Whatever it was, they had all been keeping it very hush hush and she was maybe dying a little bit. Surprises were mostly amazing and she loved them because her daddies gave her the best surprises but patience wasn’t her strong suit. Even though Daddy would tsk at her and call her Veruca, she wanted to stomp her foot and demand they tell her what was going on now. What on earth were they up to?
So when Daddy’s voice crackled through the walkie beside her, asking her to come down to the living room because they wanted to talk to her—they? As in all of them?—she jumped up and had to be mindful of not running.
When she got downstairs, Daddy and Papa were on the couch, Sir kitty corner to them. She twisted her skirt in her hands because while no one looked upset, this was weird. Yes, they spent a ton of time together, but it wasn’t like official like this was, it just…happened.
“Um, what’s up?” she asked, gaze skipping over each of them, all so handsome and wonderful in their own ways, and all very much hers. She was the luckiest girl in the whole world.
“Hey, Cosy. We wanted to tell you we’re not going to see your parents this weekend.”
Cosima felt her face crinkle up into a puzzled frown. They always saw her parents, every week. It was a Sunday tradition, and they never missed it. What was wrong?
“Why not? Are they okay? Are they mad at me?”
“Oh, princess, everyone’s fine, cross my heart,” Ian told her, drawing her onto his lap and slinging his strong arms around her to pull her close. She cuddled him back, tucking her face into his neck and letting his voice soothe her nerves. “No one is mad at you. This is for a special treat.”
“A very special treat,” her daddy said, his weight sinking the couch as he sat down next to them and surrounded her and Papa with his big, sturdy body. “And your parents were gracious enough to let us have you all to ourselves this weekend since it’s a special occasion.”
A special occasion? It wasn’t her birthday, or Daddy’s or Papa’s or Sir’s. She had them all marked on her calendar that she checked every day. It wasn’t Stella’s birthday either. Well, maybe it was her real birthday but since the cat couldn’t tell them, they’d picked a day and her daddies had let her have a party for it.
Curiosity forced her to peek out from the nook of Papa’s shoulder.
“What special occasion?”
Daddy smiled at her, so big, and Papa gave her a squeeze.
She racked her brain for what it could be, and then it dawned on her.
“Is it the anniversary of when I came to live with you?”
“Sure is, Cosy. We wanted to celebrate your Gotcha Day.”
Oh. Well that would be fun for sure.
“Okay, that sounds nice. But isn’t that just a day? Why will it take the whole weekend?”
Sir had been off to the side in a chair, as per usual, but switched to sitting on the coffee table, elbows resting on his knees as he leaned toward them.