Page 53 of The Buzz: Vol. One
Her daddies followed like dominoes. Papa muttered curses as he pumped into her, his thrusts becoming uneven but no less hard as his release jetted into her. And he must have bitten Sir because she heard him swear as his fingers dug even harder into the tender flesh of her tits. But he outlasted Daddy by just a few seconds, their climaxes feeling like a flood that started in her mouth, got swallowed down her throat and ended with hot jets of come spurting all over her neck and slipping down the heated skin of her chest.
It was messy and carnal and wonderful and she could hardly bear it as they slipped out of her one after another. But to be moved with all the care in the world and then surrounded by them was also glorious. Especially since as the high of her orgasm wore off, the soreness of her body began to come back. She was going to need another bath. With all the epsom salts in the whole world. That was okay; her daddies would back up a truck of the stuff to the loft if they had to, she knew they would.
“Happy Gotcha Day, Coco,” Papa said, followed by a kiss pressed to her stomach where he was resting his head.
“So glad you’re here, teapot. Can’t imagine life without you,” Daddy told her before nuzzling her neck.
And then there was Sir, nipping at her ear and stroking her hair. “You’re the only girl for us, little one.”
“Love you, Papa. Love you, Daddy. Love you, Sir. Thank you for saving me, taking care of me, loving me. You’re the best daddies in the whole world.”
“Thank you for making this family whole,” Daddy murmured. “That’s the greatest gift ever.”
Maybe. Cosima thought they were all equally important since she couldn’t picture their family minus one. It just wouldn’t work. Not like this. But if they wanted to make her the center of their universe, she’d do her best to shine her love on them all like the brightest star, forever and ever.
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I hope you loved watching Cosima and her daddies celebrate her Gotcha Day! In case you missed their story, you can read their whole journey to an HEA inCosima’s Club Owner Daddies.
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Did you love “Happy Gotcha Day”? Want to make sure you don’t miss any awesome bonus material? You can join my newsletter, The Hive, here:
Just What the Doctor Ordered
A Devaney’s Doctor Daddy Short Story
Please note that this is bonus content, and can best be enjoyed after readingDevaney’s Doctor Daddy!
Chapter One
“Morning, babygirl.”
“Morning, Daddy.”
Her lips curled into a smile—she loved waking up with her daddy. He was always cuddling her or stroking her or petting her, and this morning was no different.
Since today was a Saturday, the boys were with Carter and it was just the two of them in the house. Not that it changed their routine all that much, it simply meant Eric could stay in bed with her and be deliciously half-naked instead of having already been up and dressed and herding the boys off to school before he came back to her.
She’d told him he didn’t need to do that—she was more than capable of getting Logan and Chase fed, their lunches packed, and on the bus on time—but he’d insisted.
“I like my babygirl getting her rest,” he’d said. “And besides, it’s my time with them.”
Her heart had nearly exploded. Eric was a wonderful stepfather, surprising exactly no one. He was friendly with the boys but didn’t try to encroach on Carter’s territory, nor did he compete with the boys for her time or attention. He was a gentle but firm parent, upholding rules and giving reminders without raising his voice or losing his temper. She loved too that he’d developed his own relationship with each of them.
He’d helped Logan find a YouTube channel where this completely off the wall guy cooked, and Logan loved it. Wednesdays Logan and Eric were in charge of dinner and it was almost always something from Chef Jeff’s Kitchen of Khaos channel. Jeff’s motto was “Let’s fuck up some shit in the kitchen,” which made her shake her head but as long as the boys didn’t use that language at school, it was pretty funny to hear her men chanting the slogan before they made her something delicious.
Eric had also found Chase a chess tutor, and played with him a few nights a week. When Eric had introduced her to the tutor before telling Chase, she’d been expecting someone sorta nerdy, the kind of guy who preferred books and gaming to sports or other physical pursuits. She’d been very surprised to meet Taj Hovick who looked as though he could rip a phone book in half and used the talents he’d honed in his years as a Navy SEAL to run a world class security firm.
Taj was a bit gruff and she found him intimidating but Chase adored him. And whether they were having their lesson in person or online when Taj was out of town on business, the man always showed up and seemed to genuinely enjoy her son. Couldn’t ask for more than that.
Devaney hadn’t asked, but she’d certainly received. Received more than she ever could’ve hoped for when Eric had taken her in, claimed her, made her his six months ago, married her two months after that. They were so happy.
This morning he was the big spoon and his strong arm was wrapped around her. He gave her a squeeze and she wiggled her backside against his growing hardness.
“Not yet, Devy,” he admonished. “First things first.”
Yes, of course. Eric was religious about taking her temperature first thing in the morning.