Page 11 of A Scandalous Ruse
Lissy’s lips hardened to a straight, white line. “What about your father?”
Her father was no help at all. Bella’s heart stung a bit to think such a thing, but it was the truth and it always had been. She shook her head. “Papa has never once defied Grandpapa. Not one time.” She heaved a sigh. “So you see, I need someone to offer for me before Grandpapa declares an edict and it’s too late.”
After a moment of silence, a devious smile settled on Lissy’s lips. “You just need someone to offer for you?”
Bella nodded, feeling a bit of relief for the first time in a day. “You look like you have a plan.”
“Perhaps.” Lissy shrugged. “Your cousin, this Hellsburg fellow, he isn’t intent on staying in London, is he?”
Not likely, not if Papa’s words were true. Bella shook her head. “I believe he’ll be returning to Prussia after he visits Grandpapa.” An image of her cousin standing on the deck of a ship with Bella by his side flashed in her mind. “And I don’t want to be with him when he leaves, Lissy,” she squeaked.
“Or course not.” Lissy’s smile widened, and she looked a bit more confident than she had the moment before. “So you don’t really need a husband, just a fiancé. One you can break it off with after your cousin returns to the Continent.”
Was Lissy mad? No man worth his salt would agree to such a thing. She frowned at her friend. “Is that all? I just need a fellow who will willingly let me cry off?”
Lissy simply blinked at her as though the idea was a sound one.
“I suppose,” Bella continued, “any gentleman would gladly let me make a fool of him. Is that your idea?”
Lissy shrugged. “I’d offer up Edmund on a platter, but he’s only twelve. You don’t think your grandfather would agree to that, do you? I mean, he is already a duke. That should count for something, shouldn’t it?”
A shadow fell over the two of them, and Bella glanced up to find Viscount Carraway standing before them, an annoyed expression on his handsome face. “What’s this about Edmund?”
Oh good heavens! Bella was certain her heart stopped. Had Lord Carraway heard all of that? It was suddenly much warmer in the park, and she was certain her cheeks were as red as they’d ever been.
“Uncle Fin,” Lissy began tartly as her smile faded and she folded her arms across her middle. “What are you doing here?”
“Looking for you,” he returned calmly. “And I’m not your uncle.”
No he was Lissy’s younger half-brother’s uncle, if Bella was correct, not that she could think clearly on the subject at the moment. What if Lord Carraway had heard everything? She would die right there on that bench.
“You’re looking for me?” A false smile settled on Lissy’s face. “Come to apologize, have you?”
Apologize? Bella looked from Lissy to Carraway and back. The viscount’s dark eyes narrowed on Lissy as though he was truly at the end of his rope.
“Well, let’s have it, then. My apology,” Lissy pressed.
The viscount’s brow rose in surprise. “Don’t even think to distract me, Felicity. What are you offering up Edmund for?”
She wouldn’t tell him. Surely, she wouldn’t! Still, Bella’s heart beat at a rapid pace and she thought it quite possible she might faint right then and there if Lissy divulged even part of the truth to the angry viscount.
“Nothing that concerns you,” her friend replied waspishly, and Bella breathed a slight sigh of relief.
“On the contrary, anything that concerns Edmund, concerns me.”
Why couldn’t he leave well enough alone? Bella fidgeted in her seat, wringing her hands in her lap. “Honestly, it’s nothing, Lord Carraway. We’re just being silly.”
“Silly, I believe.” The viscount’s dark gaze never wavered from Lissy. “I sent you a note this morning.”
“Did you?”
“You know I did. You had a footman return it. Unopened.”
“Highly improper to send a girl who isn’t your niece a note, my lord. And I know how you regard propriety above all things,” Lissy returned rather smugly. “Do you—”
“As your brother’s guardian,” he cut her off, “I believe I’m granted some leeway in regard to my correspondence with you, my lady.”
“Oh?” Lissy blinked up at him. “Has something happened with Edmund?”