Page 4 of A Scandalous Destiny
His friend shook his head. “I was going to suggest that we make a grand time of it in Town tonight, but I’ve got some awful family dinner I have to attend.”
“A family dinner?” Gabe asked, trying to keep from asking whether or not Sophie Hampton would be amongst the attendees. After all, Sophie was not for him. Her father had made that more than clear.
“Apparently, my Uncle Aylesford is going to announce my cousin’s betrothal this evening, at least that’s what Mother’s footman said when he summoned me to see her this afternoon.”
Aylesford, not Beckbury. That shouldn’t have brought Gabe any comfort, but it did. So Sophie’s betrothal wasn’t being announced that evening, but she could already be married to some other fellow for all that Gabe knew. And not that it did him one bit of good either way. He needed to keep his mind focused on Clayton. Pining after the only girl he’d ever loved was a complete waste of time, especially as she could never be his.
“—afterward, if that’s all right with you?”
Gabe blinked at his friend. He’d obviously missed something. “I beg your pardon?” Just the thought of Sophie could distract him like nothing else. He really, truly needed to put her completely from his mind.
“I said,” Chase continued as he scooped up a spoonful of eggs, “that after I finish with that family obligation, we should play a bit of hazard.”
Gabe wasn’t really the gambling sort. He’d seen where that path had left his father. Besides, he had very little to gamble with if Mr. Hill was to be believed, not that he wanted to say as much to his friend. Even still, Chase must have interpreted something from the look on his face….
“I mean, Christian will be chasing after pickpockets or flashmen all night. I hate to think of you sitting over here all alone.”
“I’ll watch you play, how about that?”
Chase grinned. “Whatever makes you happy, Gabriel.”
A fortnight later…
Albany Bachelor Lodgings
Mayfair, London – May 1816
Wearing trousers was an odd sensation. More freeing in one way, to be sure, but Miss Sophia Hampton felt rather naked in them as well, as though she was exposed to the world. Sophie tugged her borrowed cap a bit lower over her brow to keep anyone from recognizing her as she hurried through the courtyard and straight into the fashionable, subdivided mansion that was the Albany. After all, if anyone caught her dressed as a pageboy and sneaking into her cousin’s set of rooms, she wouldn’t get the chance to die of embarrassment. Papa would strangle her well before remorse could even set in, and she didn’t even want to think about what her grandfather would do. She shuddered at the very thought of incurringhiswrath.
However, Sophie didn’t really have another choice, not really, not after the conversation she’d overheard that evening. Sending Chase a note would never do. After all, her cousin was not particularly timely in his correspondence; and at the moment,timewas completely of the essence.
Once inside the mansion that had been converted to individual bachelor lodgings, Sophie glanced around the entrance and a pit formed in her stomach. How in the world was she to find Chase’s set of rooms? She had no idea where he was as she’d never dared step foot in the place before tonight. After all, only men were allowed entrance at the Albany. Which was deucedly annoying at the moment. If she had any idea where to go…
Blast it!
Of all the rotten luck in the world! Why wasMatthew Greywooddescending the grand staircase? After all, if anyone might recognize Sophie it would be Mr. Greywood as he was currently in the process of courting her.
Steeling her nerves, she dropped her chin a bit lower and said in the deepest voice she could muster, “Chase Winslett’s lodgings?”
Luckily, Mr. Greywood did not blink an eye as he brushed past her and said, “Up the first flight of stairs. Third door on the right.”
She could have kissed him. Mr. Greywood was quite wonderful in every way, even if he didn’t have the keenest set of eyes, apparently. She had no idea how he hadn’t recognized her, but Sophie didn’t dare speak again for fear that he might notice something if she opened her mouth a second time. So she simply nodded a thanks and quickly started up the steps, her heart pounding the whole way.
But just as she reached the landing, Mr. Greywood called up to her. “I say.Youthere, stop—”
Blast it! Hedidrecognize her. She could hear it in his voice. Sophie quickened her pace and made a direct path for the third door on the right. If Mr. Greywood stumbled upon her like this…Well, she was fairly certain their courtship would come to a rather hasty end, and if he told anyone else about her foray into the Albany...
Sophie shivered at the thought. She rapped quickly on her cousin’s door, and when Chase’s servant answered her knock, she pushed her way inside without even speaking to the man.
“Chase!” she called out.
“What the devil?” Her cousin strode into his main set of rooms, an apple in his hand, and gaped at her. “Sophie! Whatareyou doing here?”
But Sophie could barely think. She could barely breathe. Because standing right behind her cousin stood Major Gabriel Prideaux, and he quite simply stole her breath and every thought she had in her head.
Oh! Good heavens. She hadn’t thought she’d ever lay eyes onhimagain, not after he’d said goodbye all those years ago and had gone off to join the rest of Wellington’s army without even a passing thought to how he’d broken Sophie’s heart in the process.