Page 5 of Santa Daddy
Chapter Five - Lillian
I stare at the toes of my high heels, trying to wait patiently for him to find me. Surely he is going to follow me to the bathroom?
But the longer I wait, the more I glance at my watch, I come to the conclusion that he isn’t going to come and I’m sitting on the closed toilet seat like an idiot waiting for nothing. Chuck is going to be so mad at me for disappearing on him but I had to escape and sit down and just come to terms with the fact that I slept with my best friend’s father on probably the one night he hasn’t come out partying with me. How does that happen? If Chuck finds out, he’s going to freak out. This should make me feel weird, I should have lost any semblance of attraction for him on the spot… but I didn’t. I still feel just as attracted and tormented by his presence as I did when I met him and had no idea who he was.
There has to be something wrong with me. The man that I haven’t been able to stop thinking about is standing outside talking to my date that just so happens to be his son.
“Excuse me? Are you okay in there?” The voice is part concerned but mostly annoyed. I’m taking too long and someone else obviously needs to relieve themselves.
“Sorry.” I check my appearance in the mirror, trying to fluff some life into my hair before unlocking and opening the door. The woman's face is pinched in a faux friendly smile.
“Hope you’re alright.” Her perfume is overpowering as she walks past me into the bathroom.
“Hope you have a nice piss.” It slips out before I can stop it, provoking a sharp exhale from the woman as she shuts the door.
I don’t like people that fake being friendly. It’s not polite and it’s not good manners.
Taking my time, I survey the people at the party, looking for any sign of Charles. I can’t contain the excitement of seeing him, no matter how wrong the situation is. He didn’t exactly look happy to see me but how else was he going to react. Although I did walk out on him, and I wonder if he’s mad at me. For all I know that’s what he wanted me to do. He probably didn’t want it to go beyond Sunday either. My heel falters causing me to wobble and a few people nearby offer me their hand to steady me. I hadn’t thought about the fact he could be completely disinterested in me now that the weekend is over. I could be making the situation more awkward by seeking him out and trying to talk to him.
“What on earth are you doing? You look like you’re away with the fairies.” Chuck comes up behind me, a glass of what I can only presume to be Prosecco in his hand.
“I needed to use the loo.” Lamest excuse on the planet but he doesn’t notice as he surveys the room.
“Are you okay?” He doesn’t ask me so much as the waiter with the food as he passes with a tray of quiches but I still answer him.
“I’m fine. How is your dad? You were excited to see him. I’m surprised you’re not still talking to him.” Is he coming back? Am I going to see him?
“Oh, yeah. He had to make a phone call. He’ll be back later.” He links arms with me after brushing off his hand of the quiche crumbs before beginning our circle of the room again.
Talking to other guests is a nice distraction of the revelation, especially as they are all very accomplished and interesting people, but we don’t see his dad again. He must have left after seeing me and if that alone doesn’t make me feel bad enough, I can tell Chuck is disappointed during the taxi ride home. He wanted to spend time with him. And it’s my fault that he didn’t.
The pinging of my work email interrupts the silence as the taxi heads toward FitzGerald’s Place. I check it, expecting a task request or spam. So when I see that it’s a notice of termination from one of my most profitable clients, my heart quickens in my chest and my hand threatens to throw the phone out the window. Shit, balls, cock.
“Bad news?” Chuck watches me warily, like you would a wild animal.
I hand the phone over to him, sliding down in my seat and resting my head on his shoulder. He knows how excited I was to get this client six months ago.
“Oh man, what a jerk.” He locks the phone with a click and shifts until he can wrap his arms around me loosely. “Someone better will come around to fill her place.”
“She gave me a lot of my income.” It’s not like I don’t have savings and I own my apartment, and it’s not as though I’m not making enough to cover my outgoing bills, but she was a huge account.
“Did she give you any indication of terminating the use of your services?”
I think about our last meeting a few days ago. She was completely normal, enthusiastic, and obviously a complete bitch to not be able to tell me to my face then.
“No, she was really happy with what I’ve been doing for her.”
“Well, that should make you happier to not be working with her anymore. If she’s that way.”
I suppose he is right, but it doesn’t lessen the sting. I feel the support from him as strong as the arms he hugs me with. He’s a good best friend. I couldn’t ask for a better one really. So how do I tell him I fucked his dad and want to do it again?
“I’m so glad my parents think I’m dating again; they’ve been on my case about it. You know they asked me if I’m gay? That’s how concerned they are about me having a girl on my arm.” He shakes his head, his beard stirring up my hair. “Thanks for being such a good friend, Lilly.”
Well, I definitely can’t tell him tonight, now can I?