Page 17 of Shiver Me Timbers
Everyone turns their heads to see Tony standing over the kidnapper, now known as Harry. Tony’s face turns from betrayal to outrage. Alice sucks in a breath, leaning into me harder, the men’s anger as they gather around Harry growing louder.
“What is this? Revenge at me?” Tony glances between Alice and the man lying in blood at his feet. “You thought you could try to bribe meone million poundsand live? Has the time away from the Hounds fucked up your brain,mate?”Tony’s face turns red. “You should have known better to stay away, let alone lay a hand on Alice.” He reaches down and picks up the hunting knife. “You should have known better, because now I have to do something I never wanted to do, and that’s hurt a brother.” Tony reaches down and grabs Harry by the throat, lifting him half off the floor, the knife ready to carve.
He stops to glance at me and then Alice, who is staring wide-eyed at what he’s about to do. I know she’s strong enough to handle it, but I don’t want her to see it.
“Take her out of here and make sure she’s safe.”
I want to remind him that I don’t take orders, that he’s not my gaffer, but I realise what he’s trusting me with, and that’s Alice. As much as I want to be a part of this, I don’t want to see anyone else take her anywhere. Looking at the men chomping at the bit to get their revenge, I don’t doubt that Harry is going to get more than he deserves. So, for the first time in my life, I walk away from laying down law.
Holding Alice to my chest, I rise from the floor and follow Eric out of the room, through the warehouse, and to the car, feeling Alice’s eyes on me the whole time.
“Are you okay?” I ask, waiting for Eric to open the door to the backseat.
We slide in and nod a thanks when he shuts it behind us.
“I don’t know.” Her voice is quiet, wavering slightly.
“You will be fine. You’re safe.” I move her hair away from her eyes, drinking in the sight of her. My hand falls to her leg, suddenly becoming aware that she’s cold. “Mate, turn the heater on, would you?” I pick up my discarded jacket and lay it over her. She looks at me strangely, like she doesn’t recognise me, and I wonder suddenly if she’s hit her head at any point. “Did you get hurt at all?” With a soft grasp on her chin, I look for any sign of injury.
“You really love me, don’t you?”
Her question surprises me, but even with Eric listening, I have to answer. “More than anyone I’ve ever known in my life.”
Her body calms within my arms as she stares up at me, seeming a lot more herself in the slowly warming car. With an even breath, she nods before laying it down on my shoulder, exhausted.
Josephhugs me to him the entire drive home, and when we pull up outside the pub, he begrudgingly lets me climb out first. As soon as he’s out beside me, his arms are up, offering to steady me.
“I’m okay. I just need something to eat and a really strong drink.” I turn to the pub with them closely following behind.
A sign on the door says ‘Shut for staff shortages. See you tomorrow.’ Before I can test the door to see if it’s even locked, it flies inwards. Chantelle comes barrelling out, her arms wrapping around me like an octopus. Her sobs shake my body, pushing tears into my eyes, but I hold them back. I don’t want to cry.
“I was so worried about you!” She pulls away, gripping my shoulders to appraise me before pulling me in for another hug. “Who took you?”
“Harry.” I let out a sigh, shaking my head. “He can’t let what happened with his dad go.”
“Well, he will when Tony sends him down the highway to hell.”
“I hate to interrupt you ladies, but Alice is about to freeze to death.” Joseph looks down in distain at my dress. I refused to wear his clothes, so now I’ve been in it for two days. I’m sure I smell like hell, despite washing up at his apartment.
“Oh my God! I’m so sorry!” Chantelle drags me in, looping arms with me and pulling me to sit on one of the bar stools, before rushing round the other side, mumbling something about making my favourite cocktail.
“Do you have spare clothes here?” Joseph comes up to stand beside me, one hand settling on my lower back and the other on the bar.
I look at him hesitantly, shaking my head no.
“I’ve got some. Is there a shower here?”
I nod, battling the warm feeling spreading through me at him trying to look after me. My heart wants to let everything go and fall into the love I know he has for me, but I can’t. In reality, this doesn’t change anything, and he still lied and used me.
“Good.” He steps away, nodding towards Eric. “Would you please get my spare clothes out of the boot of the car?”
“O’ course, boss.” Eric disappears out the door without hesitation.