Page 9 of Shiver Me Timbers
“I know the shipment you’re talking about. I thought it got handed over to your men. We did our part of the transfer.”
This room is obviously put aside for people to gather because there’s a few sofas around a coffee table, and he is seated at one, appearing compliant. Alice makes a beeline to sit beside him. His hand comes to rest on her knee, and the touch sends a wave of jealously through me, even though I know it’s him trying to comfort her and not a sexual advance.
“Take your hands off her.” The words are out before I can assess whether or not they’re appropriate.
“Excuse me?” Alice’s back straightens as she leans forward, eyes flashing and lips sneering. “You don’t get to dictate that, you manipulative, lying bastard.” She spits at me, her body moving like she wants to jump to her feet and slap me.
I’d love that. I’d love to see her snap with so much anger she fights me. I deserve it. I deserve it all. But to see her stand up for herself, to not be the quiet little sweet thing, would turn me on like nothing else.
Tony’s hand squeezes her knee, and he leans into her, getting her to lean back on the sofa. He takes his hand away and looks almost pleadingly at me. “I want to sort this out because I wouldn’t betray Walter. He worked closely with my father for most of his life. I don’t want to go against that. Honour means everything in my family.”
“Well then,ifyou didn’t take the shipment and your men handed it over to the wrong people, we need to figure out who they were.” I force my gaze away from Alice and hold my hand out to Jerald for the case.
He steps forward and hands it to me before retreating to the door, most likely so he can keep an ear out for what’s happening outside.
“I hope your men are well behaved and don’t try anything,” I warn, pulling out the CCTV photos we have, showing who we suspected picked it up.
“They know to be patient and wait for my order,” he swears, leaning forward when I lay the photos out on the old worn coffee table. “They’re not my men, so I can rule out anyone of mine having taken it…” He stares at the photo, a pondering look crossing his face. “I feel like—”
“I’ve seen him before.”
My gaze shoots upwards, and I’m surprised to find Alice also leaning forward to peer at the photos.
“He’s come into the pub quite a few times.” She leans back, obviously thinking hard. “He used to always order whisky and lemonade.”
“Fantastic. That’s going to be very helpful to find him.” Jerald’s unwelcome comment earns him a glower from both Tony and Alice. I click my fingers over my shoulder at him, warning him to be quiet.
I know I need to make a choice whether to believe Tony or not. An aspect working in his favour is, I know how unbelievably honest and straight Alice is. She wouldn’t be lying to me right now. Nor do I believe she would know how to play this, having never been a part of the business.
“Okay. Say I believe you. How do you propose you help me find him?” I’m going out on a limb. The person I suspect is always the person who actually did it. It’s why I do the job I do. However, if I’m wrong…I’ll be causing Alice hurt when there’s no reason behind it, and I can’t do that.
“If he’s been to the pub, we can check the security footage—”
“I don’t need more pictures of him. I need to know where he is and what he did with the drugs.”
Tony swallows. “I kno—”
“He’s part of Brighton’s gang.” Alice’s eyes are far away, and she seems to be trolling through her brain. “I remember the tattoo on his arm.”
Realisation dawns on Tony’s face. He nods. “I think you’re right.” He shoots her a smirk, and a silent conversation seems to pass between them, which I gesture for them to expand upon.
“Alice is good with faces, numbers, addresses. She always remembers more than I can.”
“I didn’t think you had any part of the gang.” My stomach knots, surprising me by how much I don’t like the idea of her being a part of something as dangerous as what we do.
“I don’t, but I work in the pub. I hear and see things.” She turns her nose up at me, her hatred for me soaking her words and turning them venomous.
“Well, seeing you and our mystery man are drinking buddies, you can go deal with him and let me know what you find out.” A selfish idea pops into my head and, before I can stop it, escapes my mouth. “And while you do that, I’ll keep ahold of Alice, as some…encouragement to do your job efficiently.”
“Like fuck am I goi—”
“You will be coming with me.” I interrupt Alice and shoot Tony a warning look before he can finish rising from his seat. “And you will find the missing shipment and, by doing so, ensure Alice returns to Wonderland. No harm will come to her while she is within my care. Do not worry.”
I turn away, my mind made up. I get one more night with her, even if she hates and spits at me the entire time. Leaving Alice to futilely protest to Tony, I walk over to the door opened by Jerald.
My right-hand man, Eric, waits outside, eyes surveying the guests in the church, constantly looking for a threat.