Page 51 of Little Ballerina
“Yeah, I think so.”
“Then let’s get out of here.”
They grabbed a suitcase each and headed downstairs. Clara felt a little odd locking up not knowing when she’d be back here. Nate was waiting in the car for her, ready to go and pick up Aggie and take them both to a hotel. Jonathon had come to join her in his lunch break, and once they picked up Aggie, Nick was going to go to Sam’s place, then the guys would join them tonight. As worried as her fiancé was about her, she was as worried about him. He was close with Naomi too, the killer could easily decide to target him next.
Jonathon’s phone rang just as she finished locking the front door. “It’s Ali,” he told her, pressing answer.
“Oh, I forgot to pack books,” she announced, fishing her keys back out.
“I’ll throw these in the car, you go grab your books,” Jonathon said, then tried to maneuver both suitcases down the path one-handed while talking to his partner.
Clara giggled at the sight of him as she let herself back inside. She adored books, owned her own bookstore, and couldn’t go away for an unknown period of time without bringing along some of her favorites. Her books were organized perfectly in categories and by author in her twelve bookcases. She knew exactly where everything was, so it didn’t take her long to collect what she wanted.
She hovered at the door for a moment, debating on whether she needed more books. She had eight with her, but she was a fast reader and could easily read two or three in a day. She’d just take a couple of extras. Some of her favorites. She took the stairs two at a time, she had a special bookcase in her and Jonathon’s bedroom. One that Jonathon had made for her as a Christmas gift. She had been so impressed, it was so good, it looked completely professional. He’d told her that his grandfather had shared his carpentry skills with him, but she had still been thoroughly blown away by how magnificent it was. It had pride of place in their room and was filled with her very favorite books.
She had just grabbed her all-time top two books and was closing the door when she caught sight of a figure behind her in the reflection on the glass panels.
That saved her life.
Instinctively, she moved sideways, and the knife sailed down, slicing through her upper arm instead of plunging into her chest.
She darted for the bedroom door. Jonathon was just outside, she just had to scream and he’d come running.
The man who had been hiding in her bedroom recovered quickly and was on her before she could get to the door. He wrapped a strong hand around her wrist and began to drag her toward him.
In that moment her life flashed before her eyes.
He was going to kill her and then he was going to move on to Naomi.
There was no doubt in her mind that this was her sister’s stalker.
Then fiery anger flashed through her.
She wasn't going down without a fight.
Her free hand searched frantically for something to use as a weapon. Anything would do.
Just when he almost had her to him, she found something.
An antique clock. It sat on a small, decorative table by the door. It wasn't much but it was all she had.
Managing to wrap her fingers around it, she swung it forward and connected with the man’s jaw.
Temporarily stunned, he released her.
Clara knew she didn’t have a second to spare.
She fled.
She was at the top of the stairs when he reached her.
He flung himself at her.
The force of his body connecting with her sent them both tumbling down the steps.
Her body bounced painfully from wooden stair to wooden stair.
Landing with a thud, she quickly shook off the sense of surreal disorientation and clambered to her feet.