Page 53 of Little Ballerina
Wrapping the ripped arm of her sweater around her wound, he clamped his hand over it. “You scared the life out of me. When I heard you scream …” he trailed off, unable to finish the sentence. If anything ever happened to Clara his life wouldn’t be worth living. She waseverythingto him. When he heard her screams echoing from their home, he had known immediately that it was Naomi’s stalker. And no one had survived an encounter with the killer. Except Clara. “Can you tell me what happened?” he asked, pulling his fiancée into his arms and supporting her against his knee.
“He was in our bedroom,” her voice was muffled as she turned her face into his chest. “If I hadn’t caught his reflection in the bookcase, he would have killed me instantly, or at least incapacitated me.”
That she could have been killed while he stood just outside, so close and yet unaware that she was in danger, sent shivers rocketing through him.
Clara noticed and lifted her head. “I'm okay, Jonathon.”
She was lucky. Extremely lucky. Steeling himself, he had to detach a little and get his logical head back on. “Do you have any other injuries I should be concerned about?”
“No, I’m a little banged up from falling down the stairs, but I'm all right.”
Her green eyes were sharp, but adrenalin was no doubt still coursing through her system, potentially masking pain from any injuries she may have sustained in her fall. “I’m just going to check, make sure you really are okay,” he informed her. Supporting her head, he laid her down then ran his hands up and down and over every single inch of her body. Satisfied that the only injuries she had sustained were minor, he gathered her back up and held her close.
“I was so scared,” Clara’s voice wobbled for the first time.
“But you fought him off.” Jonathon was always impressed by his fiancée’s strength, especially because she had had to overcome a lot to get where she was, but right now he was in absolute awe of her.
“Hold me,” she whispered, snuggling against him.
“Always.” He pressed his lips to the top of her head, breathing in her scent, so aware that he could have lost her that it overwhelmed him.
Jonathon lost track of time. He could have sat on their living room floor for seconds, minutes, or hours.
When a hand touched his shoulder, he snapped his head up to see his partner crouching beside him.
“Ambulance is here,” Allina told them.
“Oh, I really don’t need an ambulance.” Clara lifted her head and struggled to her feet.
Standing and helping Clara up with him, he shook his head. “Oh, yes you do,” he contradicted.
“No hospital though,” she bargained.
“All right,” he conceded. She probably didn’t really need a trip to the hospital. He led Clara outside and to the back of an ambulance. As she settled down on the stretcher, he perched beside her. Lowering his mouth to her ear he whispered, “Brings back memories.” Their wedding, just eight days away, would be on the one-year anniversary of the day they met, and unfortunately an ambulance was a part of that day.
Clara chuckled and smiled, but he saw the doubt in her eyes. She still didn’t feel right about getting married while someone was set on destroying her sister’s life. “Jonathon, I think under the circumstances …”
“Stop.” He held a finger to her lips. “Naomi doesn’t want us to postpone.”
Before she could protest or push the issue, Allina approached them. With her were Naomi’s best friend Rylla Franklin, and Rylla’s partner Matthew Greer. Their boss must have decided to call in reinforcements. Jonathon wasn't offended, they clearly needed the help. So far, they had no solid leads as to where Harry Caucchi was, or any solid proof that he was the man they were looking for. He liked and respected both Rylla and Matt. Rylla was an effervescent ball of energy, and Matt was quiet and serious but extremely smart and empathetic, he was amazing with victims.
When she saw Naomi’s friend, Clara asked, “Does Naomi know what happened?”
“Yes,” Rylla answered shortly.
“How badly did she freak out?” Clara asked.
“You don’t want to know,” Rylla replied, which basically told them all they needed to know.
“Did Nate get a look at him?” Jonathon asked. He knew that Nate hadn’t managed to catch the killer because if he had someone would have come running to tell him right away.
“No,” Matthew answered. “Which means that Clara is the only person who saw the stalker and lived.”
“Did you get a good look at him, Clara?” Rylla asked.
“It all happened so fast,” she replied.