Page 29 of A Royal Obligation
“After how prepared you were for the school renovation plans, I expected nothing less. But now on to the next thing: topics to avoid when talking to anyone.” She rattled off some subject areas to him. “Normally, I would say politics, but that’s probably one of your most talked about topics with certain people. I would advise you to avoid that as much as possible with Charlotte, though. You want to show her that you’re interested in getting to know her, not just gaining a political partner.”
That last sentence was like a stab to the gut. He had always tried to resign himself to the fact that he would be marrying for duty, not for love. Barrett had been brought up to put Wistonia first—any of his personal desires always being put on the back burner. But Jules was beginning to change his mindset.Can I actually find a woman who is both an asset to Wistonia and someone I can share my heart with?
“Are you okay?” she asked, her forehead pinched with concern.
“Yes, my apologies. Please continue.”
“All right. The final thing I wanted to touch on today is specific to Charlotte. We can talk about some of her favorite things and who she is as a person. I think that will help you to know what kinds of questions to ask and how to best approach her.”
“That sounds great.” Barrett nodded.
“Charlotte loves flowers. Like, a lot. So, bringing her flowers or taking her to a place where she can look at flowers is a plus. She is extremely driven and strives to be successful in everything she does. Her passion for helping with the children’s center in Findorra is admirable. She can get a little competitive from time to time, but she is also the best cheerleader a person could have. Charlotte also has a sweet tooth for anything chocolate.”
“So, what you’re saying is I need to give her chocolate, flowers, and allow her the room to succeed on her own?”
“I think that about covers it.” Jules wiped her palms along the length of her pencil skirt.
“Jules, this has been so helpful. I’ve never really been able to talk to women before, let alone thought about dating someone or …” Barrett gulped. “marrying them. I can’t thank you enough for your assistance.”
“You’re able to talk to me just fine! You need to give yourself more credit, Barrett.” She scooted closer to him and squeezed his hand.
“Jules, would you continue to teach me how to pursue a woman? And how I can win over Charlotte?” he asked, his eyes pleading as he looked into hers.
Jules let out a giggle that caught in her throat when she realized he wasn’t kidding. “You’re serious? You want me to be your dating coach?”
“I know it sounds like a wild idea, but you’re the only woman I can talk to without stumbling over my words.” He paused and shook his head. “You’re right; this sounds crazy. Just forget I asked.” He looked down at the floor, dropping her hands.
“I’ll do it.” She spat out and the light came back in his eyes. “I mean, who gets to say they were a dating coach for a prince?”
His eyes widened and she laughed.
“Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone. We have each other’s trust, and you have my utmost discretion, remember?” She smiled at him.
Barrett let out a sigh and sat back up straight. “Thank you so much, Jules. I appreciate it more than you know. I think we should meet at least two to three times a week. I can use all the help I can get.”
“You have a deal, Your Highness.” She reached her hand out and he took it in his own, solidifying their agreement.
He quickly pulled his arm back, trying to rid it of the sensation he felt from holding Jules’s hand in his.
“Get ready for drama on tonight’s episode ofThe Perfect Match. Our bachelor, Reese Allen, is in for a shock when one of the contestants self-eliminates. We also get to find out which of the women has the stomach for love and who may not be here for the right reasons. Buckle in and get ready for the ride.”
“I hate the episodes where they have to eat gross food. How does that prove anything?” Liam asked with a repulsed look covering his features.
“I actually find it quite entertaining. It does nothing to validate who would be a better match for Reese, but it makes for good television.” The king smirked.
As the episode progressed, the three men became more invested.
“I can’t believe Kate left the show. I thought she would be in the final four,” Barrett said.
“She seemed a little bit too perfect. Too good to be true. Plus, she was only a sixty-three percent match with Reese.” Liam said.
“Sometimes people really are nice with no hidden agenda,” Barrett argued.
“Well, she can be her nice self back in Westridge. She didn’t even live in the same country as Reese. It never would’ve worked out. Better she realized that now rather than later.” Liam shrugged his shoulders.
Their father let out a loud, dry cough causing both of their heads to spin and focus on him. Barrett reached for his water on the table and offered it to his dad. King Henry held up his hand and continued coughing until his face was dark red.
Liam got up to call for help when the coughing fit subsided.