Page 39 of A Royal Obligation
“They were. I’m sure we’ll be back home soon enough, so they won’t have to miss me for much longer.”
Barrett halted his stirring. “You and Lady Charlotte are leaving soon?”
“I guess I assumed we would be after the school renovations begin. Did you ask Charlotte to stay longer?”
“No.” Barrett hung his head after he poured the mixed ingredients into the baking dish. He paused, running his hands across his forehead. “Can I be honest with you, Jules? I know we haven’t known each other long, but I feel as if I can trust you.”
Jules gestured for him to hand her the baking dish so that she could add the topping. Once she had spread it over the apple filling, she handed the pan back to him and he put it in the oven while she set a timer on her phone.
“Your secrets are safe with me, Barrett.”
He sighed and pulled out a barstool, allowing Jules to sit before he pulled one out for himself. “I… I wasn’t the most upfront with my reasons for inviting Lady Charlotte here.”
“How were you not upfront? We’ve been working on the school renovations for the past few months, and you’ve been pursuing Charlotte.”
“Well, that was the reason I told you when I invited her here. But I had an ulterior motive.” His eyes pinched closed as if it physically hurt him to say what was coming next. “My father is sick. They don’t know how much time he has left.”
Jules gasped and set her hand on top of his. “I’m so sorry, Barrett. I can’t even imagine what you’re going through. You have a lot going on. Preparing to be a king and trying to learn how to date a woman, of course you must be overwhelmed.”
“It all has been a bit much. Nothing too much for me to handle, though.”
“I’m glad you still have a positive outlook.” A puzzled look covered her face. “I don’t mean to sound inconsiderate, but what does that have to do with inviting Charlotte here?”
“As you know I have to marry someone royal to take the throne.” Barrett pressed his lips together.
“So you were hoping to persuade Charlotte to marry you within the matter of a few months?”
“No, I’m not that crazy. I was just hoping that we could work on the school renovations and then it would just all grow into her naturally wanting to stay here longer and then we would get engaged and then I could become king,” he rambled.
“I must admit your plan is a bit out there.” She looked up at him as his gaze dropped. “But sweet nonetheless.” He looked back at her, a glimmer of hope shining through.
I would do anything to see that light in his eyes.
“I know you may not have planned to continue our dating lessons for an extended time, but you’ll continue to help me, right?”
“Of course, Barrett.” She smiled even though her heart hurt at the idea.
“Thank you, Jules.” He leaned on the counter beside them. “Now, tell me more about your family.”
“My mom, Susan, can be a bit overbearing at times, but it’s only because she loves so hard. She is my biggest cheerleader.”
“She sounds kind of like my mom when I was growing up. What does she do for a living?”
“She’s an elementary teacher by day and a piano teacher by night. Now, my dad, Arnold, is the biggest goofball you will ever meet. He used to take those little plastic cars you could sit inside and tie a rope to it and spin me around in the garage so fast that I would be dizzy when I got out.” She laughed. “He’s a plumber and the hardest worker I know.”
She continued to talk about some of her childhood memories and Barrett reached out and grabbed her hand once she was done.
“It sounds like you had a lovely upbringing.”
Their hands stayed together as their eyes connected. It felt like there was a magnetic pull between them, keeping their hands locked together and their eyes focused on each other. They jumped apart when the timer on Jules’s phone went off. Jules dropped her hands to her sides and started walking over to the oven when Barrett rushed past her.
“Don’t worry, I’ll get it.” He put on the oven mitts and pulled the golden-brown apple crisp out of the oven. “Wow, this looks perfect.”
“It really does,” said Jules, grateful for the interruption. “It’s getting late, and I’m not very hungry. I think I’m going to head to bed.” She scrambled her way to the door and then paused, turning her attention back to him. “I had fun tonight, Barrett.”
“Me too.” He set down the dessert and the oven mitts and met Jules at the door. He leaned in and gave her a hug.
With her head on his chest, she could feel his heartbeat racing out of his chest, matching the rhythm of her own. She wrapped her arms around him, feeling the muscles of his back tense as her hands settled there. He rested his head atop hers and tightened his hold on her. She felt the muscles in his arms flexing and became even more aware of how muscular he was beneath his usual attire. Flustered, she gave him one last squeeze and then stepped back.