Page 52 of A Royal Obligation
“He’s all yours.” Liam flung his arms in the air and stormed away.
“Are you okay?” Barrett asked, taking in the slouched position the king sat in.
The king rubbed his temples, his wrinkled hands slightly trembling. “If this medical condition doesn’t kill me, I am sure your brother will. Every conversation with him feels like it ages me five years.” He motioned towards the door. “I’m guessing you overheard.”
“Yes, I did. I apologize; I didn’t mean to eavesdrop. One day he will understand.” Barrett paused, mulling over his words. “We all miss Mom, but we can’t live every day in fear because of the past, otherwise we aren’t really living at all.”
“Spoken like a true future king.” King Henry smiled at him, pride shining in his eyes.
Barrett nodded at his father, holding back the tears that threatened to come forward. His father’s praises were rare and so they held weight whenever he gave them. He cleared his throat, removing the emotion from his voice.
“Well, I was stopping by to remind you of my horseback riding date this afternoon, but obviously you already remembered.” He gestured towards the door. “I wanted you to know that I’m really trying with Charlotte. I don’t want to disappoint you.”
“You could never disappoint me. I know I don’t say it enough, but I am proud of the man you are. After your mother died, I was so worried about who you and Liam would become. She was the wise one—my better half—and so good with both of you. I’m grateful you turned out to be the man she was raising you to be.”
Barrett let the tears come this time. He stepped forward and embraced his father. “Thanks, Dad. I love you.”
“I love you, too, Son.” He cleared his throat and swiped at his eyes. “All right now, enough of this mushy talk. Good luck with your date. You’ll do fine.”
Barrett nodded his goodbye and headed to the stables, feeling more ready than ever for his date.
Barrett rolled his eyes as Lord Howard walked towards him with an arrogant swagger. He pressed his lips together, trying to force himself from stooping to the level that Lord Howard often did. Low blow comments were not princely, but his decorum always seemed to melt away around this slimy man.Why did my father insist on inviting him?
“Hello, Your Highness.” Lord Howard briefly nodded his head at Barrett, forgoing formality.
“Lord Howard.” Barrett didn’t even so much as tilt his chin.
“Where is your lovely lady? I have been looking forward to seeing her again, and I’m sure she has been dying to see me.” A thin smile stretched across Lord Howard’s face, making him look like a villain in a Disney movie.
Barrett clenched his fists, biting down on the inside of his lower lip. It took everything in him to not punch this man in the face as he responded, “Lady Charlotte should be out shortly. Once the rest of the group arrives, then we can be on our way.”
“It wasn’t Lady Charlotte I was speaking of. Her assistant was more to my liking. Julianna, was it?”
“Her name is Jules, and you would do well to keep your distance,” Barrett hissed through clenched teeth.
“Oh, tut-tut. How would Lady Charlotte feel knowing that you are jealous over her assistant getting attention? You need to learn to keep your feelings in check if you are ever going to be king.”
Before Barrett could respond, Prince James joined them with a woman on his arm who was dressed more for a photoshoot than horseback riding. She wore a bright pink blazer with matching tight pants. She finished her outfit with a pair of boots that had heels that looked uncomfortable to walk in, let alone ride in.
“You’re right on time, James,” Barrett said, reaching out to shake his cousin’s extended hand.
“Your Highness, might I introduce you to Lady Raina of Bristol.”
Barrett politely nodded at her after she curtsied, flashing sultry eyes at him as she did so. She was the kind of woman he always tried to stay far, far away from.
“When do we get to ride, Jamesie?” she whined, giving Barrett his cue to walk away.
Barrett’s breath hitched as he watched Jules, Charlotte, and Liam all approaching together. Jules looked beautiful in her casual riding pants and dusty blue peacoat. It was her hair that did him in. Her long, curled hair was piled up on the top of her head in an intentionally messy way. This allowed him to really see all the features of her face. Her prominent cheekbones were adorable, and those cheeks turned a rosy shade under his gaze. Even from a distance, their eyes always seemed to be magnets, finding one another’s gaze and drawing each other in.
Charlotte cleared her throat, making Barrett jump when he realized how close she was to him.
“Lady Charlotte, you look lovely,” he said, taking in her formal riding outfit that looked similar to what his mother used to wear. “Shall we?” He extended his arm to her and she gladly accepted. He led her to the stables and everyone else followed. Once a horse groom was explaining to everyone what horse they would be riding, Barrett stepped away to join Liam who was standing at the entrance, refusing to set even a foot in the stables.
“I wanted to thank you for coming and apologize. It’s hard for me to be out here, but I know it’s especially hard for you. I hope you believe I would never do anything to intentionally hurt you,” Barrett said.
Liam glanced at Barrett out of the corner of his eye and exhaled loudly. “It’s been twelve years. I should be over it by now.”
“You don’t ever need to get over it. We lost our mom—you and me both. We may not agree on everything and we might bicker all the time, but you’ll always be my brother. And I’m here for you if you ever want to talk.” Barrett clapped Liam on the shoulder. “I’ve seen you mature a lot over the past few months. You would have made a good king if you had been the firstborn son.”