Page 71 of A Royal Obligation
Once they got to her bedroom door, he tucked one of the tendrils of her hair behind her ear. He leaned in and gave her a gentle kiss. “Goodnight, Jules. I love you.”
“I love you, too. Goodnight.” She smiled at him and closed her door behind her.
Barrett’s heart filled with joy at her words as he started to head to his room. But his stomach twisted when he thought of his father’s reaction. He needed to make things right with him, otherwise he would never be able to sleep tonight. He changed directions and made his way to his father’s study. Barrett entered after he knocked on the door, taking in a steadying breath.
“Hello, Barrett,” the king said, closing the book he was looking at and turning his attention to him.
“I couldn’t go to bed until I spoke with you.” Barrett opted to remain standing so that he could walk out some of his nerves. “I wanted to apologize again for blindsiding you. I know you knew of my feelings for Jules, but I should have been more clear in my intentions to be with her.”
The king slowly rose from his chair and walked over to him. Barrett sucked in a breath, not sure what his father was going to do. All the air was knocked from his lungs as his father pulled him into a crushing hug.
“I’m sorry, Son. I overreacted earlier.” He pulled back and placed both hands on Barrett’s shoulders. “I was caught up in the moment of everything. Now that I’ve had a little time to think it over, I wanted you to know how happy I am for you. The deep, unconditional love I could clearly see between the two of you after you proposed only comes once in a lifetime. Your mother would be so proud of you for following your heart. She always was worried that you would never get to experience love because of how focused you were on your princely duties.”
Barrett’s lips quivered. “You’re not disappointed in me?”
“I could never be disappointed in you for following your heart.” The king gave Barrett’s shoulder a squeeze before walking back to his chair and plopping into it. “Now, I will need your help with preparing Liam to take the throne.”
“Of course. I’m more than willing to take the brunt of the responsibility in that. He really will be a good king, you know?”
“I will take your word for it. Now, I really should go to bed and rest. I’ve had enough excitement for one day.”
His father stood and Barrett walked with him to the third-floor corridor their rooms were located in.
“Goodnight, Father. Thank you for understanding.” Barrett pulled him in for another hug.
“Enough of this sentimental talk. There’s only so much I can take.” The king patted his back before he walked into his room.
Barrett fell onto his bed in a daze. The past few hours had felt like a dream he never wanted to wake up from. He was grateful that he finally didn’t have to suppress his feelings for Jules anymore and that all the dreams he had conjured up about a life with her could now truly be his reality.
Chapter Thirty-Two
Juleswokeupearlyand couldn’t stop staring at her hand. She couldn’t have picked out a better ring to wear for the rest of her life—or a better man to live it with. She adored the ruby and how the ring didn’t overwhelm her dainty finger. She slightly wiggled her hand, watching the ring catch the light and glimmer with each movement.
She was still in shock about the events that had transpired the night before.Did Barrett really propose to me last night? Do I really not have to hide how much I care for him any longer?Her feelings for him had been bubbling beneath the surface for too long, and now they erupted out of her like a volcano.
She grabbed her phone off the end table next to the bed and called her mother.
“I’m engaged!” she exclaimed once her mother answered the phone.
“Arnold, get in here,” her mother yelled before having Jules share the entire story.
“Oh, we are so happy for you, Pumpkin. We can’t wait to officially meet him,” her dad said.
“What do you mean ‘officially’ meet him?”
“He called and asked for my permission yesterday morning. I didn’t know a prince could ever be so nervous.” He chuckled.
Jules could hear her mom scold him. “It was endearing,” she said.
“I’m sure it was.” Jules giggled. “You will need to visit as soon as possible.”
Small arms wrapped around her from behind, and she could tell by the person’s slightly worn, but youthful hands who it was.
“I need to go. I’ll call you again soon.” She quickly hung up. “Rory, I’m engaged.” She squealed, spinning around and holding up her left hand. She twirled and fell back onto her bed, kicking her legs in the air with glee. Rory fell onto the bed and laughed with her. She grabbed one of her hands and held it in hers, pulling her up to a sitting position.
“I’m so happy for you, Jules.” She smirked. “I told you he loved you. As I said, the staff knows everything.”