Page 14 of Bed of Roses
“Ted,” he corrected.
“Yes, Ted. I…” I licked my lips, now that I wanted to speak the air seemingly left the room and took moisture with it.
“I want you to know that I changed my mind.”
If we had somehow floated closer together, he began to retreat on my confession, confusion dancing across his forehead.
“Yesterday, I said that I wasn’t interested in you. That I wasn’t thinking about you in that kind of way. But, I am. Thinking about you. Like that.”
I barely got the words out and he plundered my mouth. It should have been violent with how quickly he had acted. Instead, his kiss was like a thunderstorm, a raw force of nature blowing in and drenching me in need. If there was a tickle to his beard, I didn’t notice, so consumed was I, with the tension of his mouth sliding against mine. The feel of his hand skating over my waist and circling my back. With his other hand he guided me under his shirt, where my fingertips took a topographical journey of the peaks and valleys of his ribs and chest. My other hand joined the first, exploring the wide expanse of his back.
The kiss stretched on, or it died and resurrected, only to die and resurrect again. Each time hotter than the previous. Lips became tongue became teeth. We supplicated at the altar of our all-consuming need. Based on the conversations we had, each of us assumedly had been in a dry spell for about the same length of time. Two years without any form of romantic interaction gaslit those tinders into a firebomb of desire.
I was on the counter, legs wrapped around Ted’s hips, bearing down against his ridge with wanton abandonment. Somewhere locked away in the dungeon of my propriety was a little voice trying to guilt me into slowing down, but I had no hope of engaging the brakes. I don’t think I wanted to. Ted’s shirt went over his head and onto my kitchen floor. So much ink. How much of his life had been captured across that chiseled expanse of skin?
We undid his belt and pants together, they stayed on his hips but provided enough room for my hand to slither into his boxers and expose the key to a night of pleasure. His lips drew a path from my ear to my collarbone, and back to the place where my pulse throbbed. That dizzying rush of blood made my whole body sing his name. I took him in hand, making his cock jump, running my fingers from base to tip.
“I can take it out.” His voice was like a ballad being sung in my ear.
For long moments the meaning of his words didn’t register. Slowly I came back to earth just enough to realize that there was a metal ball pushing against the pad of my thumb as well as in the palm of my hand.Pierced. Like a barbell vertically through his cock just underneath his head. Our lips collided. The answer to his concern tasted between us with each dance of tongue.
We were in my living room, him on my sofa, me in his lap. Somewhere in the few feet between kitchen and sofa my shirt disappeared, the scruff of his cheeks abrading each of my breasts in tandem.
“Of course, you would smell like Christmas cookies.” He chuckled before ravenously taking my breast into his mouth. “Christmas cookies and snow.”
My hips moved of their own volition, slaking my own burgeoning need against his exposed cock. With each move of my hips, the focus of my yearning kissed the underside of that barbell. Each pass winding me tighter. Instead of approaching that summit in inches, I traversed it in feet running up to the peak and throwing myself over in a mess of convulsions and shivers. Even as I shattered, Bear gluttonously pushed me up again. Two fingers seeking out a place inside that had me seeing stars.
“I could do this all night.” Bear cooed as I came down once again.
I wasn’t sure if that was a statement or a promise.
My intention had not been to sleep with Marley. She was so sweet. So pure. The girl didn’t even swear for fuck’s sake. But it also made her sexy as hell. She was pink glitter to my inky sky. Sugary gum pop songs to my dark and tortured riffs.
The way she blushed when she took my dick in her hand. How wide her eyes went when she thumbed my apadravya. With just my hand and a few dry strokes against her leggings, she shattered beautifully. Twice, actually. Her pleasure was addicting. It fed more than my ego. I drank each whimper, moan, and bit lip like I’d been deprived of fresh air and I’d just broken into the most verdant meadow.
Her shapely calves and firm thighs were covered in gooseflesh and my lips had barely started their ascent. She knocked her knees together to modestly cover her nakedness from my eyes. Sweet, innocent Marley, was about to have her entire world flipped upside down. In her hazy lust she must have forgotten how I’d regaled her with all of the stories of the bad boys of rock. The dick piercing is just the beginning sweet little Marley.
Her knees in my palms I opened her up and worshipped at her pearl. She thrashed, sighed, keened, and possibly even giggled. Over she tumbled again with such ease, she was making me feel much more talented than I probably truly was. I ached for her. I was desperate to plunge into her and really make her moan. But she was a paradox like I’d never before experienced, and a part of me wanted to get drunk on her light instead of dragging her into darkness and debauchery.
With a last few teasing strokes, I pressed forward, using all of my willpower not to thrust and rut. It had been so fucking long. Too long. I hoped this would last at least a modest amount of time.
The metal ball found its target, and damn hearing Marley dirty up that sweet bow shaped mouth had my balls drawing up tight. Steeling myself with a few deep breaths, I bargained with myself to hold until she came.
“Ted!” She clawed at me, her hands slipping off my chest. “Ohhh, fuck Ted. Shit, more, please, Ted more.”
Each sordid phrase sent rockets of pleasure up my spine.
“Come for me sugar, one last time.” I bit back the dirty shit I really wanted to say to her. Promising myself that in due time, I would feed Marley seeds from that Pomegranate tree. I’d flip her over and smack her ass, finger her clit while whispering all the other dirty shit I’d do to her.
“Marley, I’m about to lose it, come with me.”
Her mouth gaped open, I watched her suck her lip back, keeping it in place with her teeth. She tried to cover her eyes, while she thrashed her head against the pillow. No fucking way was she hiding from me when she shattered.