Page 21 of Bed of Roses
“For the record,youran into me.”
Ithink getting the barbell through my dick hurt less than exorcising that demon. I felt sick almost. Like I’d just competed in an iron man without a drop of water. She was still here, that was a good sign. In fact, having her tucked under my arm the way she was, her arms reaching as far as they could around my chest—felt like she was metaphorically pushing me back together. I didn’t need flowery expressions of commitment, or even an affirmation that she felt the same way. Just the way she touched me and smiled up at me. I knew. Marley wanted to be with me as much as I wanted to be with her, and that felt fucking amazing.
“If you want me to take back the Etsy purchases, I will.”
I needed to at least get it off my chest, while she was still so cuddlesome.
“I don’t want your charity, Bear.”
“Ted,” I corrected her for the millionth time. “And it’s not charity. I want your product. I want you to make more so we can really get that shop off the ground. Not being buried under the burden of your mom’s medical bills will provide you not just financial breathing room—but room in spirit, to create.”
“I can’t Ted. It feels like a payoff. You feel guilty about hurting my feelings, so this is some grand gesture to make it right again.”
I couldn’t resist kissing her. Her mouth was set in the most serious frown.
“We’ll agree to disagree. The conversation has a pin in it, for now.”
She shrugged.
“Thank you for renewing my Christmas spirit, Marley Jacobs.”
“Thank you, Ted, for bulldozing into my life, when I needed it most.”
* * *