Page 12 of Independence Bae
“Wow, this place is like a Care Bear land of lace and tulle.”
We pushed through the doors, and everywhere we looked was adorned with delicate flowers in blush shades, with silks and laces draped across anything that had legs. The store even smelled bridal. If bridal had a smell. We were both immediately captivated by the ambiance of Joie de Vivre.
“Ladies! Welcome to Joie de Vivre. I hear from Ms. Hursch that you are VIPs.”
An effusive woman whose name we didn’t catch gathered us from the reception area and led us up a set of winding stairs to a section that was marked “private showroom.” Women were already standing at various corners of the showroom modeling wedding dresses in different styles.
“The models are in a private collection that have not yet been publicized. These would need to be tailored and flown in if there is one that interests you, but Ms. Hursch insisted that if you found anything that struck your fancy that we should make it happen.” She smiled at one of the models standing closest to her, adjusting her tiara before turning back to us. “May I ask which wedding consultant you’ve been working with?”
“We’re from out of town,” Raven answered for me. “Marley’s planner is a boutique firm exclusive to small circle of east coasters.”
She ignored my questioning look and continued.
“This picture was the style and aesthetic we had hoped for in a wedding dress however we’ve been unable to find anything even remotely similar.”
She gave Odette—who finally had turned enough for me to see the nametag clipped to her dress—the picture I had of my mother in the most beautiful all lace dress with a flower crown.
“Are you doing aMidsummer’s Night Dreamtheme for your wedding. I can pull four or five dresses that would fit perfectly with that theme for sure!”
A theme? People did that? Raven shrugged and smiled before telling the sales lady to pull anything she thought appropriate for that aesthetic.
“A little Teddy Bear told me that he’s going to be a daddy.” Raven gushed as soon as Odette was out of ear shot.
“Oh my god. I can’t believe he spilled the beans! I guess he didn’t like my idea of surprising you on the air.” I half joked, though honestly, I thought my idea was pretty clever. Everything else we’d done had practically been for public consumption.
“Well,” Raven laughed, “I think that may not read the right way. I mean I’m not the parent just a very excited auntie with a black Amex Card.” Her smile was infectious, wide, and genuine and I couldn’t help but mirror a similar one. The soon to be wedding and now a little nugget that was the very best surprise. She poured a cup of tea for me from the drink cart, placing a few cookies on a plate before delving out a generous flute of champagne for herself.
“Do you think he’s excited?” I asked.
It felt kind of dishonest to be asking Raven, but there was something about his reaction yesterday that had seemed off. He smiled and said all the right things but it didn’t seem to be a resonant joy.
“Absolutely,” Raven answered without even having to think about it. That settled the anxiety somewhat. “I mean, you really need to talk to him, or give him the space to talk to you. His shitty childhood I think is wreaking havoc on his self-esteem. But he is really very excited to be a dad.”
“Oh man, I didn’t even think about that.” The macaron that had looked so petite and appetizing a moment ago didn’t seem so anymore. Raven of course was referring to the foster care and group homes.
“It can’t be easy living that kind of life,” I acknowledged.
“I can’t imagine it either,” she agreed. “It’s been so gratifying, as his closest friend, to see how settled he’s become since finding you, Marley. It’s like everything he ever wanted in a home—stability, support, love. He has it all with you.”
Like that didn’t cut deep. Getting that contract for him had been equivalent to Mount Everest. They’d achieved something phenomenal. I don’t think I even took a second to be excited with him before asking a million questions about staying in North Pole.
“Honest answers only.” I turn to Raven looking her dead in the eyes. “The contract means moving doesn’t it?”
Raven bit her lip before shaking her hair out of her face and diverting her eyes.
“I know it’s up in the air, you don’t know the details. I get that. But your gut says we’re moving right? When you and Penn talked about it yesterday it was within the frame of leaving North Pole.”
“It’s definitely a possibility, Marley. But again, please talk to Ted about this, it’s not my place.”
“Penn’s on board?”
Raven nodded, taking a swig of her champagne in place of an answer.
“It’s a big deal, this contract.”
“Marley—it’s like being the only non-astronauts on earth getting tickets to explore the moon.”