Page 14 of Broken Cracks
“You won’t wear me out, we’ll go again in a little bit.” One finger wipes a sweat bead as I grin at her, splaying a hand over her belly.
“I want to be with you forever Izzy, you and me. I want so much for us,” I confess. If we can make it through this, we can make it through anything.
“Ditto. Ditto, so much.”
We get to lay together for another half-hour, but the ecstasy doesn’t last as loud voices are popping off in the main clubhouse. I sense danger and shoot up, sliding off the bed, locating my pants, and zipping them up as Izzy looks up groggily, confused by the noises as well.
“Oh my god,” she says in a frightened voice.
“Put your clothes on, baby.” I pull my gun out of the drawer, ready to rumble. A sharp piercing noise sounds off as I bust through to the main clubhouse.
Paco is wearing all army camouflage and armed with a rifle; he’s lined up with five other brawny Cardez soldiers, with the souls of malicious trained killer instincts in their eyes. The guns are aimed at my boys. The air is thick—one wrong move and it’s bloodshed. We’re unprepared and a quick side glance tells the story. Nobody has their guns raised; we are in a state of forced surrender.
“Aw shit,” I mutter under my breath. This shit ain’t good.
Bull screams in my direction,“Get that bitch and give her back!”He waves his thick arm as I watch my brothers.Showtime.
Paco’s beady eyes probe into mine as he redirects his gun, lining it up with my face. "Where the fuck is she? If you don't bring her out here, I'm gonna start dropping bodies.”
"Psych, I'm not dying for no little Mexican piece of ass, give her up, man!" Bull says forcefully. My clear thinking flies out the window.
Paco’s phone pings as he glances down at his phone with a baffled look on his scum son- of-a-bitch face. He replies to the message briefly, catching glimpses in case we make any false moves, but Sledge, Bull, and two other prospects are frozen in time, waiting.
There’s a high probability we might die tonight. The shrill ringtone cuts through the echoey warehouse as adrenaline courses through my veins.Isabella. I love you. I haven’t had a chance to tell you yet, but I love you. With all my heart.
Paco’s voice peaks through the space. “But boss, she's here! They admitted she's here, at least let me put a bullet in her head."
I close my eyes.No. No. No. Please. Spare her. Take me but spare her. I promised Izzy and now I can even keep my promise to her.
"Si jefe, copio,” he stabs back with his lips pressed tight together. Sweat slips down my temple as I pray to God. Not that the Almighty would want to hear from me, but whatever is going to help. The soldiers haven’t dropped their guns so it’s touch and go. The boys are still. Waiting. Hoping, like me. Paco whistles and beckons his men as he spits on the ground, and they jog out without so much as another word.
I stand with my mouth agape.I have to go to Izzy.I don’t even worry about the guys; they can look after themselves.
I bust through the door to find her standing there, fully dressed. Her face floods with relief when her eyes land on me.
“What the hell happened? What did you do to make Paco back off like that, Izzy?”
Izzy silently hands me her cell phone with a text message to Miguel that’s open.
I see a glimpse of Miguel’s face, along with a naked Isabel. I don’t look too long, otherwise it will make me sick, but I read the message underneath it.
Call your dogs off!
Another picture from her follows and it’s one of her and a dark-haired lady smiling together.
Miguel replied:Okay! DO NOT SEND!
I grab her face as her hands fit around my waist. Our lips fit together perfectly as I deepen my kiss; sparks are flying, and we don’t come out of our embrace until we can’t breathe. I draw back and look at her with admiration.
“Izzy, you are so fucking special.” Her smile is everything, and it grows wider as she laughs hysterically.
“We won, Damon. I did it. I savedus.”
“You sure fucking did. My superwoman.”
Chapter Nine