Page 10 of Snatched Princess
“Whose room is this, with all these cans of tinned food everywhere? Are you bitches preparing for Doomsday or something?”
“Nah. nah. It’s like a spare room. Nothing fancy. It’s if one of the boys needs somewhere to crash or we have a new prospect coming through.”
She’s comfortable now and I like that I’ve placated her.
“Give me one of those tinned spaghetti over there and yeah, spark that doobie up.” I pull out the green from my drawer, smiling at her as I search for one of the spare forks in the drawer.
“Here you go. Eat up.”
“Fucking starving.” One half of her long platinum locks drops in front of her ample breast. I feel like I’m about to get hard again but curb it. Now I’ve got a chance to admire her silhouette, I ogle the tattoos crowning her hip bone, flowers, and dragons. I’ve never seen a woman so fine in my life. She’s rough around the edges, but soft with a gooey center.
I spark up my joint letting my worries drift away and throw the tinned spaghetti to her.
“I will feed you. Can’t have you starving. Take out later. Right now, I wanna stay here with you. You cool with it?”
“I’m fine as long as you pass me that joint and tell me what’s wrong.” Sucking in a deep breath, I cough a little as translucent smoke lets itself out of my mouth.
“Okay. I got a lot of fucking problems. I’m not sure you wanna hear about ‘em.”
I hit my chest stopping myself from coughing.
“Join the club, what makes you think my life is a cakewalk huh?”
“Feel ya.” I hand the joint over to her observing her lips forming around it. Smoke wafts up to the ceiling as she closes her eyes handing it back. I take another drag before I start spilling my whole life story. There’s something about her that makes want to tell her everything.
“We had a church meeting. It involved you and the drugs you split. Slash was bitching about how come I kidnapped you.”
Lara raised an eyebrow at me, giggling. “What did you expect me to do? I wanted to fuck you up pal!”
“But you fucked me instead,” I bite back darkly, kissing her exquisite lips. I pass the smoke through to her as I open my mouth wide, she opens hers to inhale it, and I get to hear that sweet giggle again.
“I think I made the right choice.”
“Me too. Snatch of the year for me,” I smile cheekily at her. “My brothers don’t trust me now to pick up the rest of the drugs at the warehouse. We gotta get it back, and Slash told me to sit it out.”
I pass the joint to her as she takes her turn, grabbing the tinned spaghetti.
“Axe was the president, but he got shot when you first seized the drugs from us. Slash is his son, and he just took the fucking chair without permission!” Even though I was smoking, fire still laced my veins.
“No vote-in. As far as I know club policy is a vote in. A democracy. All brothers have to approve.”
“Right. Smart woman. We got into it, and I told him he can’t do that. He’s questioning my loyalty. He’s a fucking patch! I’ve been with Slash and Sledge since I was a kid. I would never fuck shit up intentionally for my brothers. I’m loyal to the bone. I gotta get those drugs back Lara. I gotta do it.”
“Got you. I can help you get them back, don’t sweat it. Savages are… savages. I’m the one that set up that stash house. The brains behind the operation, but I get no love from the guys because I’m a female.” She cuts her eyes at me. “Don’t say a word,” she warns.
“Hmm. I won’t. I’ll be good. Besides, it’s not like that… I’m feeling you. Really feeling you. I’m not sorry about taking you though. I regret nothing. As soon as I saw you, I had to have you.” I curl a lock of hers around my finger giving it a light tug.
“I don’t either, now I’m here. I can help. I got you and give me my hair back.”
“My father’s a stubborn, hard man. He won’t even entertain the idea of me running for president.”
Shocked and impressed I study Lara. “You wanna run the club?”
“Hell yeah, I got the balls, the smarts, and the ideas to run it. The guys do listen to me, they just wanna save face in front of my father that’s why they act like macho, devil pigs in front of him. They have to, otherwise he won’t respect him. The old geezer.” I can see the love in her eyes for him, but there’s a secrecy, a flash of pain I feel.
“Go on.” I smoke the rest as Lara eats.
“This little arrangement works for me too. I have to find a way to gain the trust of the rest of the crew. I gotta get enough members to vote him out. He’s no good for the club, he’s making shit house decisions. No hard feelings, it’s club business.”