Page 2 of Snatched Princess
“Let go of my hair you animal.” A growl and several swipes come my way. She’s ropable and I regret smoking that weed. I’m a little slow on my timing. Cackles of laughter ring out around the van as the patches start clapping.
“Get it done, Snatch. Get her together, now!” Slash yells.
I glare at Slash but have no comeback. She’s got octopus legs and arms flying at me. She launches a spit wad at me bringing out the beast in me. “You ho! Fucking spit at me? Huh?”
“I told you,” She grits with a grisly resolve. “I told you to let go of my hair!” Her eyes are wild, pupils dilated, and I’m beginning to think I picked up a she-devil, not a ‘snatch.’
Her fingers attack my face as she connects, scraping down the side of my face. I feel liquid and touch it quickly. I’m bleeding. I look down at my hand in the light as she stands with her knees bent - fighter stance. Alarmed at the violence she unleashes; I’m stuck to the ground for a minute.
Does she know I’m a Dark Angel, and that I’ll punch her fucking lights out? Apparently… she doesn’t care. The devil lunges forward again scratching the other side of my face. Oh no, she’s not getting away with that.
“Oh, so you’re a cavewoman now?” White hot rage drives me, I cock back my fist as Sledge screams out hitting my eardrums.
“Snatch!Don’t do it, she’s snorted half a bag.” Sledge burrows his head into my side tackling me to the ground. I roll him over ready to slap him.
“Yeah, get that pussy! Fuck him up. He pulled my hair out.” She’s taunting me from the ground and my fist can see its connection with her face.
“Fuck off me Sledge! I’m gonna kill this bitch.” Sledge inches himself up digging his knee in my side. My ribs are pinching as I wince.
“My ribs man, I can’t breathe. Get up off me.” The winds out of my sails, but I want Sledge to get his heavy body off me. I wiggle like a fish on the deck of a boat. I can see my snatch’s legs in the moonlight.
“Oooo. Looks like you can’t fight after all. Look at you dummy.” She spits on the ground next to my head as I duck out of the way. Sledge puts his hand out to her in a stop motion, but Bull’s behind keeping watch.
I stare wide eyed at Sledge who still has his knee in my back as I taste the gravel. He pushes his hair back out of his face with a raised eyebrow.
“You gonna keep your cool? You can’t punch her man. We gotta get inside. Damn, she tore your face up!”
“Shut up man and get off me.” Sledge lifts his leg as I look at her through the dark. I did good. Her hair’s a bird’s nest, but she’s hot. Hazel eyes with rainbow flecks of other orbs inside.
Nice thick lips for me to pulverize with my mouth. My cock is getting a semi even though my face is burning from her claws. My mouth grooves into a smile, she’s still trash talking.
“Motherfucker, do you even know who I am? Thinking you can just snatch me up like that! What til' my father finds out; your fuckers are dead!” She juts her finger at me, shouting as I admire her arm sleeve of tattoos.
“I know how to shut that pretty mouth up.” I roll my tongue around my lips as she sticks up her middle finger.
“Alright, enough of the show,” Bull says, grabbing her waist from behind. He doesn’t struggle like I did; he picks her straight up pushing her inside the warehouse doors effortlessly.
“Psych, you and me,” Sledge beckons, both snatching up my prize and taking her to lock up I suspected.
“Son of a fucking bitch. My face. How did she get to me? Psycho,” I muttered, patting at the blood on my face. “Bitch probably has rabies.”
Bull forms a fist with his hand. “Stupid time for it.” He stalks inside his bulky frame filling out the door. It’s what the fuck I do. I snatch shit up, and thieves have to get their rocks off somehow. My father told me long ago and I never forgot it.
“Women are only good for fucking. Other than that, get rid of them. You get tired of one, you move to the next.”
I take my beanie off, my face stinging like a mother. Walking through, I rush to the clubhouse bathroom, bumping into Psych and Sledge along the way. “You got her pinned down?”
“She’s in the back spare room. We put her in there until the drugs wear off. She went to work on you,” Psych cupped his hand on my shoulder narrowing his eyes at me. “You picked up a wild one.”
“She ain’t that wild. That’s the coke talking,” I punched back.
“Speaking of coke… she smashed open half the stash man. We just got our shit back and this is the stunt?” Sledge gestured. I responded with a glib shoulder raise.
“Whatever man, at least she’s locked up. I got plans for blondie.”
I picked right. I rarely missed and judging from the tingling in my dick I would be putting it to good use on her.
Chapter Two