Page 14 of Imbalanced Minds
The pull of the bike on my arms is enough to make them numb by the time I’m finished and don’t even get me started on the vibrations between my legs. Believe me when I say, this would be every guys’ wet dream.
After gearing off and leaving Rick with Dad, I manage to shake off the arm pump and tingles that run through my thighs as I head back inside to say goodbye to Mum. She was true to her word when she told me she’d be having a talk with me. Instead of heading home like I intended, I’m drinking coffee and eating more of her delicious baking.
“Sweetie, how have you been?”
“Fine, Mum. I’ve just had a rough time processing some stuff. But I’m okay now, I promise.” I admit. It’s easy to talk to her about everything but this is tougher than normal. The lump in my throat confirms this. I go with pulling my big girl panties up and telling her what happened. By the end of it, she’s holding me in a tight embrace, smoothing my hair behind my ear as she tells me how sorry she is. I don’t want her pitying me, or to be disappointed in Cory, but it is what it is and at the end of the day they’re ultra-protective of their children.
“Sorry I didn’t tell you at the start of the week, Mum. I couldn’t bring myself to talk about it. I couldn’t even write it on paper. It felt too final, you know. I don’t want to write him off. But I can’t go through that kind of hurt again.”
“You’re stronger than you give yourself credit for, Iris. You’ll be okay honey. No matter what you decide or whatever the outcome of all of this, you’ll be all right.”
“I really hope you’re right, Mum. I love you.”
“Love you, too, Petal.”
Visiting the farm always gives me a sense of clarity. Whether it’s the fresh air, being around those I love and comfort me or being able to release my woes. I always come home more than adequate which is why I’m ready to return to work on Monday.
Still nibbling on a piece of Mum’s brownie as I enter the apartment, I find something that spoils my clarity and completely throws my good mood and appetite.
“Argh, what the fuck!” I scream. “I can’t unsee that, gross-gross-gross. Fuck you guys, use your damn room, Natalie!” I holler as I run straight to my room, hands covering my view of the scene before me and slamming my door closed for added effect.
If there’s one thing I don’t want to ever see, like never ever, it’s my brother’s naked arse and my best friend being, well you know, manhandled by said arse.
I want to be sick. Cursing my brother and roommate, I pull a bottle of wine out from under my bed. This will have to do if I have any chance of erasing that from my memory.
Since I’ve had such a good day and I don’t want anything ruining it, I start up my playlist and start digging through my wardrobe.
Tonight, I’m celebrating.
I get the fright of my life when Nat enters my room. I bolt upright and pant heavily as though I’ve been caught red-handed.
“Give a bitch some warning before you barge in here, will you.”
“You can come out now, Justie left. It’s just you, me and a bottle of wine it seems.”
She smirks and then raises a brow. “Wait, where did that come from? I thought we had none left. I looked in the fridge before Jus... I mean after you’d left this morning.”
I pass her off, now’s as good a time as any to declare my news.
“We’re going out! I just decided before, you know,” throwing an awkward arm toward the door as I’m taken back down memory lane. I can’t help outwardly cringing.
“Ooo goodie, I’m in,” she jumps excitedly.
“I even have the perfect outfit.” Running off to her room, only to return moments later with a cute silver dress.
“I’m glad you picked that,” I point at hers, “because I found this.” Lifting mine up, I show her my white cocktail style dress.
Clapping her now free hands, Nat runs off to get ready. When she brings back two glasses, I realise this girl is in no hurry.