Page 20 of Imbalanced Minds
Chapter Eleven
Sitting in the hospital waiting room is torture.
Resting my elbows on my knees, I keep my face buried in my palms willing this to be a dream. The creaking of the door brings me out of my deep thoughts to find Natalie standing in the doorway, looking paler than ever.
“C’mere sweets,” I stand arms wide, motioning for her to come to me.
Sniffles are muffled into my shoulder as we stand here engulfed in a hug, at least until the door is thrown open.
“Let her go!” Justin roars. “You backstabbing asshole, get your hands off my girlfriend.”
“Bro, it’s not like that and you know it. Stop being a dick.” I rebuke.
“Don’t bro me. You lost that right the moment you lied to me. Tell me, how long have you been using my sister? And quit the bullshit!”
“You’re right. I should have come to you. I’m sorry.” My lack of denial is enough for Justin to start coming at me, but Nat quickly grabs hold of his arm and very barely jolts him out of his haste to hurt me.
“Baby, you need to calm down. We’re in a hospital. You can’t beat him up here. Besides, it’s not what you think.” Natalie tries reasoning with her boyfriend but instead puts her foot in it. He looks away from me to her and his whole body takes a different stance. Regardless of her confession, his shoulders drop ever so slightly as he reaches for her, cupping her face in his palm. I turn my head then, not wanting to see the quiet conversation between two people who love each other. It makes me jealous of what I fucked up with Iris.
My thoughts are immediately taken to her; flashes of her almost lifeless body on the ground. Ripped dress, drowning in her own blood.
I’m happily distracted when Rose and Mike come through the door.
“How is she?” Justin asks, seemingly calmer after his chat with Nat.
I jump up straight away and wait eagerly for some good news. They’ve been filling us in with Iris’ progress when they can and from what we know, all things considered, she’s damn lucky to still be here with us.
Making my way over to them, I quietly stand next to Rose and listen to her speak. “She’s not in a good way, but we think she’ll be alright in due time. We’re still waiting on results to come back about any drugs in her system, but the doctor dismissed any sign of sexual assault.”
I hug her then and quietly let go. She knows everything that’s happened between Iris and I, and I’m grateful for that. She heard me out while we were waiting for their time to go see their daughter. Since then, I’ve felt lighter for it. Offloading in this situation felt somewhat wrong, but it kept us distracted. I have a new understanding—a clear vision as you will. What I’m certain of now is I’m going to fight tooth and nail for that beautiful and courageous woman and there’s not a damn thing she can do about it.
“Can she have visitors?” Nat asks.
“Actually, love. She’s asked for Cory.” Looking at me, she smiles. I make a point to face Mike. Even though he doesn’t know as much, he has damn good instincts and I know we’ll be having words later.
“Mum,” Justin protests.
“No, Justin. She’s asked for him, so we need to respect her wishes.” Turning toward the door, she opens it, steps through then holds it open. “Cory,” she urges me to follow her, so I do—much to Justin’s despair, with Mike right on my heel.
Following them down the corridor I can’t help being nervous. Rose said Iris was asking them questions about why I was here. Then told me she asked for me, so here we are standing outside her door waiting for me to enter her room.
“Son, I know the both of you have been friends for a long time. I also know she’s rather fond of you, so take it easy on her, yeah. I don’t want my baby girl hurt again. If she so much as gets upset because of you, I’ll have ya know my shotgun is ready.”
“Yes, sir.” I agree while nodding, highly aware if I say one wrong word my arse is toast and I’ll never get the approval I need from him.
“I like you, Cory. If there is anyone I’d want my daughter to end up with it’d be someone like you. But don’t forget… shotgun.”
Happy and scared all at the same time, I extend my arm outward willing him to accept my gratitude.
He accepts with a firm grip, for the third time in warning to look after his only daughter.
Smacking my shoulder, he steps back from me so I can enter Iris’ room. While I stand hesitant, Mike takes Rose’s hand and leads her back down the corridor.
I stand in the doorway, wondering if I made the right choice to listen to Mrs J. Shaking out of the stupidity, I rest my hand on the door then gently push it open. I take a peek in the room to ensure I’m not going to startle her.