Page 35 of Imbalanced Minds
Chapter Nineteen
Being literally shoved out the door by your girlfriends’ best friend usually means something bad, but in this case, I welcomed the haste. Iris and Natalie are two peas in a pod. Two hyperactive, in your face peas at that.
I can handle them together in small doses but I sure as shit can’t handle them while living together. Never have been able to.
The idea of waking up next to Iris every morning has awoken something in me. Something I haven’t felt for a long time. I think on my way home whether she’d accept my offer to move in with me or even if soon is still too soon. I suppose time will tell.
It’s been a few weeks since I left her place and since I haven’t seen Justin, yet I plan on going to confront him today. We haven’t spoken since the night of the attack, but I know we need to—even if I end up with a broken face. I know he’s not working today; I checked the rosters. He’s been avoiding me for two months now and it’s time to sort this shit out.
I think about all the things Iris’ ex did to her and all the things he didn’t but could have given the chance. We’re lucky he was disturbed from whatever sick plan he had but it doesn’t excuse what he did to someone so close to us.
Anger simmers on the surface as I stir in my thoughts, so I decide Justin’s place can wait for now. Going to see him in my now worked-up state isn’t going to do anyone any good.
Making that verdict, I take a different turn at the lights and head for the gym instead. It’s also been a while since I’ve had a decent workout and my body needs to be pushed to its limits again.
Parking my truck in the gyms parking lot, I find there aren’t many others here today, but quickly stop when I notice Justin’s vehicle. Fuck. I suppose facing him in a controlled environment is better than anywhere else.
I square my shoulders and start for the entrance. Once inside I stash my gym bag in my locker then head out in search of my first tormentor.
Avoiding scanning the gym for Justin, I start on my warm-ups; loosening my tight muscles is great. I know once I’m done, I’ll be raring to go.
Heading towards the treadmill I try clearing all thoughts out of my head, so I have no distractions or risk hurting myself due to incompetence. Jumping on and starting the machine up, I then focus on the wall ahead of me and let my legs become one with the walking belt as it picks up speed, welcoming the burn with each passing step.
Time stands still when I’m on here. As the treadmill starts to obnoxiously beep at me, I know I’ve been running for twenty minutes. I then change the settings to a much slower pace to warm down before stepping off.
Scanning the room, that’s when I notice him. Justin is on one of the weight benches across the room, lifting above his weight and without a spotter. With avoiding him clearly out of the question I shut down my machine, wipe it down then head in his direction at a cautious pace.
Gauging to see if he notices me—while trying not to startle him so he doesn’t drop his bar—I walk up beside him and stand there awkwardly while trying to make my presence known.
“What the fuck do you want?” Justin puffs out, barely able to contain the weight bar he’s holding.
“Thought I’d come spot ya seeing as your lifting above standard weight and on your own.”
“Piss off! I don’t need your help and besides, what makes you think we’re still mates, mate?” he grits out, clearly still angry with me.
I stand here for a beat longer, silent and watchful knowing he won’t last a minute longer.
“Fuck... shit… help with this thing would ya!” he hollers obvious to his mistake.
I stand there wondering if I should help this asshole until I decide I’m above his pettiness and grab the bar helping him sit it back on the rack. “Thanks.” Is all I get before he turns his back to me, ignoring me once again.
“Enough, Justin!” I bark out, causing him to spin around with the look of death in his eyes. “Look, I know you hate me right now, and I’d hate me too if the tables were turned, but they’re not. Yes, I hooked up with your sister, yes, I initially hurt her, but I turned her away for her own good and yes, there’s more to the story. Listen, I don’t want to explain myself here but if you want to lash out at me, I’d rather you did it now than in front of Iris or even Natalie. Those girls have been through enough to have our dumb-asses upset them even more.”
We stay locked in silence for a moment. You can see the cogs turning overtime in Justin’s mind as he thinks over what I just said. I know he’s not happy about me seeing his sister, but nothing will change the way I feel about her.
“Fine. We can talk, but first how about sparring in the ring?” he nods toward the boxing ring set up in the corner of the gym. “I was going to spar with my trainer, but I’ll beat your arse instead.”
I laugh, knowing he’s never been able to beat me in the ring. I have mad skills and he’s about to find out just how mad. My bet is he’ll want to get a few legit jabs in, and I’ll let him. For today.
Not really thinking much more of it I nod in agreement, turn and head for the other end of the room. Being in the ring is like home. Not many know I use it as an outlet and have become somewhat of a pro. I know Justin hops in here from time to time with an instructor but he’s at a beginner level whereas I’m not.
“This’ll be fun,” I say to no one in particular.
With both of us pretty much warmed up from previous workouts, we do the basic stretches and have a little bounce around, loosening our muscles to find our rhythm.
Craning my neck side to side I stand ready to take whatever beating Justin has planned for me, intending to take what I have coming will be more than entertaining. He starts throwing some punches, which I dodge to start, then remember my plan was to let him get some jabs in to make himself feel better, and rightly myself too. After hurting Iris the way I did, even though things are different now, I still think of myself as an arsehole.