Page 47 of Imbalanced Minds
Chapter Twenty-Five
“Can you guys be any louder? I think you woke the neighbours with that performance last night and this morning.” Nat says with raised eyebrows, hip popped, and arms folded over her chest.
“Erm, sorry Nat. Can’t help these things, ya know?” Iris says, shrugging her shoulder with no fucks given, and god does it make me proud.
“Dude, I do not need to be hearing my sister making them noises!” Justin shivers in response, making me laugh.
“HA! That’s exactly how I felt when I caught you two on the couch, ass-buck naked and f-ah-ng…” Nat muffles the rest of Iris’ reply by slamming her hand over her mouth.
“Well, I couldn’t care less what the two of you think. Maybe it’ll hurry up the moving process so we can have this place all to ourselves.” I state matter-of-factly, throwing my arm around Iris’ shoulders for added effect. Yeah, totally worked.
“Yeah well, I would already have her moved in if she wasn’t so attached to her “BFF”,” he air quotes, “maybe I should just do this,” Justin launches for Nat and throws her over his shoulder, grabs her bag and keys on the way past us and heads for the door shouting, “Thanks for the shove, bro. See ya tomorrow.”
We both laugh at the shrill yelling coming from Nat as she’s carried out to the vehicle.
“Baby, I think… eeep!”
“Enough talkin’, baby girl, you’re comin’ with me!” I take a leaf out of Jay’s book and launch Iris over my shoulder and head for her room. Yeap, I’m really going to like having this place to ourselves.
I lay in bed beside Iris, propped up on an elbow admiring the view. Her swollen, rosy lips from all the attention I gave her mouth, her golden hair fanned out on the pillow and her flushed skin rising and falling in a slow rhythm.
I can’t help wondering how someone who looks so content during sleep is so dejected. Although, if you were to walk past Iris on the street, you’d think she was carefree and bright spirited. My girl wears her mask well.
I’d really like this to work, this pretty little thing has dug so deep in my bones that I don’t think I’ll survive without her.
I have some serious work ahead of me, especially if I want to make myself a better man for her. I need more self-discipline if I’m to stop relying on Iris to bring me out of a bad mood.
Gently running the back of my hand down the side of her face, I admire her beauty one last time before I get up.
Quietly, I slide off the bed and grab my clothes to leave the room. Dressing in the lounge, I grab my phone off the coffee table and dial Justin’s number. There’s some work we need to discuss and after last night it needs to be now.
“Bro, what’s up?”
“Mate, I think it’s time we sort this shit out.” There’s no need to explain. Jay knows exactly what I’m talking about.
“Fuck.” Justin seethes down the line. “What do you want to do? She can’t find out, it’ll destroy her. Does she know anything’s amiss?”
I release a huff. “She has no idea and I intend to keep it that way. I’m not going to subject her to any more of this shit than she’s already been through. You didn’t see her last night once we got home. He’s tearing her apart but she’s trying to bury it away. It’s destroying her.” I’m getting ready to tear shit up, and Justin knows it.
“Cory. You can’t lose your cool around her. You have to think rationally here. Your instinct was spot on, we’ll make sure to nail this fucker for good.” Justin says, trying to get me to calm down. It’s a bit hard when you know there’s a threat towards the love of your life.
“Cory, listen to me. We’ll get him. He’s not going to hurt her again. Remember this is the reason we’ve split the girls up. You need to stop and think, think about how you can get Iris to agree so her ass can move in with you. It’s our only way of protecting them and you know it.”
I know he’s right. We’ve talked about this many times. Silence fills the line while I contemplate how I’m going to pull this off. “Fine, I’ll ask her. I’d better go, but I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Justin says his goodbye then disconnects the call.
I jump, startled, when I hear a sleep mused voice from behind. “Tell her what? Who’s her?”
Iris stands to the side of the couch, face uncertain and arms wrapped around her waist.
“Hey Angel, sleep alright?” I ask, trying to defer the question she just asked me.
“Mmm, good thanks. Who were you talking to?”