Page 51 of Imbalanced Minds
“Um, I kind of already asked you that last night. You already said yes.” He has the audacity to laugh.
“Yeah, you did, beautiful, but I’m telling you, move in with me. Look at how your eyes lit up when you came through that doorway. I can tell you love it here already.”
“But what about my apartment and the rent and—” He cuts me off, again, but this time I stop to listen. “I own this house, Iris.”
A whispered gasp leaves my mouth and before I can stop it my head is nodding up and down. “Yes. Yes, baby, I’ll move in with you.” Tears start to trickle down my face, but I don’t care. Right here, in this moment, I’m the happiest girl in the world.
“C’mon, we’ll have some food then I’ll give you a tour.” Words fail me, so I keep nodding my head and smiling at my man.
During dinner we talk about our day, some of our past (the good stuff) and generally get to know each other more. Even though we know most things, it’s nice that we still have more to share with each other. More intimate details of our personalities and lives that our past teenage selves didn’t already know.
“Thank you. Thank you, for everything. I know we haven’t talked about the other night, but I’m thankful you’ve given me some time to process it. We’ve had so much happen over the span of our relationship and I worry I’m going to scare you away.” I bow my head, hiding from Cory’s reaction. I don’t like seeing pity in people’s eyes, especially the people I care about. Cory tilts my head up and leans toward me, brushes his lips against mine ever so softly then returns to where he was sitting.
“There, that’s better.” He says, with no more explanation. I look into his mystical eyes, and all I see is adoration. I remember what he said to me last night, before taking me to bed, so I give him exactly what he gave me.
Raw truth.
“I’m going to love living with you, too, big guy.”
The next morning, waking up with the man I love in our house is amazing. I’m on cloud nine. We ended the night climbing into bed and exploring one another. It was one of the most intimate nights of my life. Cory was so gentle with me and took his time savouring my body. I felt incredibly cherished.
Thoughts of the night we shared together are unwelcomingly disturbed when Mum comes into my office and watches me with a wicked gleam in her eye. “Honey, you’ve been sitting here for almost an hour staring at your computer screen. Is everything alright?”
Being caught dirty daydreaming by your mother is enough to send anyone out of their chair, but not me. I just smirk back. Cory and I decided not to tell anyone other than Nat and Jay about our impending move. We wanted time to adjust to the thought ourselves, so I gave my mother the next best thing.
“I was at Cory’s last night. He has the most beautiful home.” I don’t tell her I only got to see the main living space before I was carried off to Cory’s, no, our room. Come to think of it, I left in such a hurry this morning I didn’t even think to look around… again! Cor nearly made me late by making me his breakfast.
“See, you’re doing it again. Must have been some night.” She chuckles, “I came to tell you it’s lunchtime and I’ve had enough for the morning. Why don’t we get your father and whip up something to eat?”
“That sounds perfect, Mum. I’m famished.” I say a tad dramatically.
“I bet you are,” she teases, then turns to leave but not before winking at me. I love my mum. She is super supportive and doesn’t go all silly about anything. Including my love life.
“So, honey, what has you all happy today? Don’t get me wrong, it’s great to see you happy…” Mum cuts Dad off with the funniest reply.
“It’s a boy, Mike. She’s all smitten over Cory.”
I’m mid-sip of my cup of coffee and almost spray the tiny sip I had in my mouth all over my parents’ dining table.
“Iris Rose Jones. You know I do not talk about this kind of thing, and I’ll have you know my shotgun is still ready as I see fit.
I just got middle named, for Christ’s sake. “Dad…” I whine like a teenager when really, I’m in my mid-twenties. “You’re being overdramatic again. You know Cory. He won’t need the shotgun speech from you.”
“Like hell. I already gave it to him when you were in hospital. I like him, Iris, don’t get me wrong, but even he deserved that warning. You’re my only daughter—”
“Dad. Stop it. I know you love him, stop being silly.”
Dad grumbles under his breath about not being able to deal with this shit, which has me and Mum laughing. Poor Dad gets so awkward when anything boy related comes up if it’s involving me. His rambling is cute. His warning to Cory shocks me, but I’m glad he approves.
Having finished an amazing lunch, I head back to the office and try to focus. At least I do until I get a message from Nat.
Nat: Hey! Where’d you disappear to last night? I called by to grab the last of my things but you weren’t home…
Me: OMG, guess what!!!???
Nat: What? Don’t make me guess dammit!