Page 12 of Gift of Hope
His commanding voice has my body moving before my mind can catch up, and at this moment I realize I walked on my own without second-guessing myself. “I walked.” I gasp in self-awareness.
“Stop overthinking it, Evelyn.” His warm breath breezes past my ear before I have a chance to turn around. I instinctively tilt my head to the side, allowing his words to sink in.
“How do you know what I’m thinking?” I counter.
“I saw you freeze up when you realized you’d walked.”
I turn now, wanting to face Harvey to gauge his emotion, and when I do, he’s so… close. “You planned that, didn’t you? You knew I wouldn’t rely on waiting for your help. You—” I’m cut off when Harvey brings his lips to mine. I freeze up, unable to do a damn thing, that is until I melt into his touch and reciprocate his kiss.
I’ve pictured this moment many times in my head since our meeting in the gardens earlier. How his lips would feel against mine, if the kiss would be demanding or slow and sensual, how it would be initiated in the first place—with confidence or a heated passion like none other. The truth is, it’s a mixture of everything I’ve imagined it to be. It’s perfect.
He pulls away barely breaking our contact. “You’re braver than you let yourself believe. I’ve seen it. Asher knows it. You’re holding yourself back, Evelyn.” He rests his forehead against mine and closes his eyes. “For some ungodly reason, I’m drawn to you. You’re bringing back parts of my identity I’d forgotten about, and I barely know you, yet I can’t get you out of my head.”
I let his words absorb into my very core, acknowledging the emotions I’m bringing forth in him are much like those he’s unveiling in me.
For a low-key dinner we haven’t started, things have gotten heated fairly quickly. It’s safe to say we’re both lost in this little universe we’ve created. I think back to what he said about me being braver than I allow myself to believe. He’s right. I’ve been holding back because I’m scared that when I do get full movement back, I’ll still be unable to return to my life as I knew it.
We’re rudely interrupted by the obnoxious rumbling of my stomach. I close my eyes and cross both hands over my tummy as if to hide the noise. That’s when I hear the most mesmerizing sound, Harvey’s laugh.
Snapping my head up and undoubtedly looking like a moron, I stare at him while he tips his head back at my expense. His laughter is contagious and hearing the combined huskiness with pure delight makes me happy.
“We really should get going for dinner, or it’ll be midnight before we eat,” I suggest.
“Midnight, huh?” He raises an eyebrow. “That’s very presumptuous of you, friend.” He gets a shove to the shoulder as his eyebrows start dancing, mocking me.
I’m really enjoying this playful side of Harvey. With more time together, I’m positive I can bring back the man Josey was telling me about. Time will tell, and luckily for me, I have plenty.
After Harvey prepares and cooks us an amazing wood fired oven pizza, we move to the lounge where I’ve been cuddling up with Asher while we’ve been getting to know each other.
“Tell me, how does someone as passionate as you create an animal rehabilitation center but not practice in it? I would’ve thought with all the hard work you’d be the first person us invalids see, not your manager.”
“You have to stop doing that.”
Confusion over his statement has me looking up from Asher. “Doing what, exactly?”
“Making yourself sound weak.”
“Sheesh, you sure don’t mince your words, do you? For your information, I said it jokingly but duly noted, mister serious.” My personality is starting to shine around this man. He makes it hard to hide from him, especially when he pulls me up on things like this.
“Are you going to answer my question? Or shall I nag you? I can be very good at getting what I want, I’ll have you know.” The smartass quirks a lip at me, infuriating me more. “Gah, just answer my question, dammit.”
Harvey has the nerve to chuckle, and I like it. I really like him. Being in his company makes me remember the pre-accident Eve. I was bold, charged with energy and always happy.
“If you must know, it wasn’t meant to be mine alone. My parents had passed it down to me and my sister. She was the reason animal rehab is a thing at all. It was her dream, so we made it happen. I don’t speak of this to anyone, not Josey, not my parents, no one.”
Realization hits. Josey’s mother is his sister. “What happened, Harvey?” I speak in a carefully low tone. The last thing I want is to upset him or force him to speak of something that he’s uncomfortable talking about, especially if it’s an obviously sensitive topic. The only problem is, I don’t want him to stop here; I want him to open up to me. I want to look after him—care for him like he’s been missing out on by being closed off. However, he surprises me by continuing.
“When we became owners of the clinic, it was just that; a small building with a few rooms suited for patients that needed physio. Nothing else. Harriet already had her Bachelor’s in physiotherapy, so she went straight into setting up her vision, whereas I was furthering my degree to become a doctor in physiotherapy. I let her have free reign. I knew what she wanted, and I was on board with that. Now, we—I have a fully functional, highly successful live-in animal rehabilitation center that I don’t know what to do with.”
Harvey’s taking a gamble by entrusting this information to me, and I’m blown away by his courage in telling me. “Harvey.” I’m speechless. I have nothing to say that I haven’t said before. That is, at least, until I’m reaching over the empty space between us and holding his hand in mine; words start spilling from my mouth. Firstly, I refer to Josey’s comment by confirming to myself. “That’s what she meant by there’s more to it. I understand now.”
“Pardon?” Harvey asks, confused.
I shake it off and continue. “Harriet would be so proud of you, Harvey. Look at what has become of her dream! It’s full of loving people who not only help but purely care about their patient’s recovery. It’s giving people hope. If Josey is an ounce of her mother, then I know from the bottom of my heart she’d be telling you to quit the wallowing and get amongst it all. Become the Harveyyou once were and help people by doing more than sitting at a desk.”
“And how would you know who I once was?”