Page 15 of Gift of Hope
I’m cut off as Josey and I enter the door to two shirtless men holding long ropes with horses attached to them, going around in circles. I swear, if this is why she hurried me here, I may kiss her. “Is this the fire?” I whisper into her ear while keeping an eye on Harvey.
She doesn’t say a word as she nods in agreement while her eyes eat up Preston.
“Why are we here, Josey?” I ask for the last time. Finally, she gives me the answer I was not expecting but stands in clear view.
“I, ah… thought you’d like to meet the horses?” She’s ignoring me, too focused on her boyfriend. She shakes her head and then faces me. “I wasn’t going to let you miss your man like this while lunging the horses. The arena is closed in the afternoon so the horses can be exercised properly. Harvey comes out here every now and again to keep tabs, but never since, well—for ages, have I watched him engaging with the animal’s regime like this. What happened on your dinner date last night? Becausethisis the uncle I remember, Evelyn.”
I blush at the mention of the date. Although, it may have well been with the intensity. “We argued, I walked, he cooked me dinner, then we talked, likereallytalked, some more.”
Josey does a double take. “Hold on a hot minute. You walked? Like, on your own?” she asks, excited like a child would be for their favorite movie.
“Yes, I was mad at him. But it seems Harvey played his hand in it too. He got bossy, I became stubborn, and voila, I walked without thinking about it.”
“Eep, Eve, I’m so happy for you!” She wraps an arm around my waist for a hug, which I gladly give back.
As I look up, two sets of eyes are aimed in our direction, however, one heated set is focused on me, sending warmth to my core. Letting go of Josey, I take hold of my walker for something to catch my balance. Suddenly my legs have become rather shaky, and I’m needing something to hold on to.
Harvey notices my stature change and quickly hands the rope to Preston before running over to where I am, putting his arm around my waist to help take the pressure off my legs; somehow, I think he’s misunderstood why I’m off balance.
“Are you hurt, Eve? Here, lean on me if you need to. I’ve got you.” Those words ‘I’ve got you’sound sincere and full of affection as he tries to take my ‘discomfort’ away; if he only knew of the real reason, I may die of embarrassment.
“Evelyn, are you okay?” Harvey asks again, full of concern and becoming more worried.
“She’s fine, Harvey. It seems you made her paralytic. She’s drunk on you, Uncle.” Josey winks over her shoulder as she starts moving closer to Preston, where he is now tying the horses to a hitching post.
“Evelyn?” I can still hear the concern in his voice but with the warmth of his exposed body and his gentle touch, I’m a goner for any form of civilized conversation.
“Please, Eve, you’re worrying me,” he pleads this time, and I know I need to make my brain cooperate with my vocal cords.
“I’m great. Peachy actually. How are you?” Boy, that was pathetic. “You look hot,” I continue and then realize the more time I spend around this man, the worse the word vomit gets. “I didn’t mean hot, I meant sweaty. You look sweaty.” I internally facepalm my forehead at my jargon. “I mean you look hot and sweaty and good.”
Oh, save me now.
“Are you sure you’re alright? Would you like to get some fresh air?” I’m nodding continuously like a bobblehead until his thumb and forefinger grasp hold of my chin stopping me.
“I’ll go put a shirt on first…”
“No,” I yell, all too eager to drool over his abs and sculpted chest some more. This earns me a smirk, and that’s when I know the cheeky bugger has played me again because it earns me a smoldering wink and sexy grin. “Oh, good Lord,” I breathe out while looking skyward.
“Like what you see that much, huh? Duly noted.”
“You’re an ass,” I scold.
Straight away he replies, “I likeyourass.”
I take my nice ass and start walking in the direction of the door we entered, seeking that fresh air he offered; with or without him.
“So, what brings you ladies out here?” Harvey asks, as we slowly make our way back toward the center, no longer shirtless.
“I was made to believe there was an emergency of some kind when Josey came rushing into my room and hurrying me to follow her. That’s when she brought me out here.” He can fill in the gaps. I’ve already made a mockery of myself.
“Ah, you fell for her nonsense. Well, it wasn’t a complete bust, was it?”
I stop walking and look up at him, the words flowing from between my lips before I can stop them. “No, I enjoyed the view.”
Deep chuckling echoes in the air around us, and before I know what I’m doing, I’m up against him, pressing my lips to his. I can’t stand this tension any more than I can being injured. I want this connection. His touch. I need the throbbing ache to ease.
Harvey takes over the kiss and this is by far the most explosive of any I’ve experienced before; it’s passionate, it’s hot, and it’s ours.