Page 66 of Fractured Souls
She almost didn’t want to open her eyes. Without sight, everything was amplified. His warmth, the toe-curling sound of his voice, his scent…
“Open your eyes, Alexis. Look at me.” There was an edge to his words now; he expected her to obey.
A command.
It made her even more aroused, but she still didn’t open her eyes. “What are you doing, Nythian?”
“I am staring at you, wondering which part of you I should savor first.”
“Oh.” She went perfectly still, the fine hairs on her arms standing on end. Something light and gentle traced across her cheek, and she realized it was his fingertips.
Pure sensual bliss.
“Look at you,” he said reverently. “So beautiful.”
This big, powerful alien, who could break her in half with his little finger, was oh-so gentle with her.
“Look at me, Alexis.”
This time, she obeyed. Her eyes snapped open and she stared straight into Nythian’s face. The dim light accentuated his hard features, sculpting the hollows of his cheeks with shadow, burnishing his silver skin so that he reminded her of an ancient, regal statue; a fierce war-general or powerful lord.
He was poised above her like a feline predator, his massive arms like pillars, his hands pressing down on either side of her. She got an eyeful of his chest, of his torso, of the sharply defined vee that drew her gaze toward his groin.
She caught a glimpse of his…
Oh my.
The obsidian sheath of his armor was gone. He was completely naked, and he was…
His body was a study in brutal perfection, every line and contour perfectly etched, the result of countless hours of savage training and fighting.
Alexis’s jaw dropped. The tender ache between her legs grew almost unbearable.
His brilliant ruby eyes traveled slowly over her face; possessive, triumphant, as if she were his ultimate prize.
A Kordolian warrior. Looking at her like that.
Stars almighty.
“I’m not a complicated man,” he rasped, his body so close to hers they were almost touching… and yet he didn’t lay a finger on her. His level of control was almost scary. “You are more than what I could have ever hoped for in this life. There is nothing in this Universe that can touch you when you’re with me. This is it. You are it. Do you understand, Alexis?”
“I…” I think so. The enormity of his words hit her in the chest, blossoming into a warm feeling that grew and grew and grew. “I’m ready.”
“Good.” He dipped his head and kissed her gently. “If you’d told me otherwise, I would have gone insane.”
“You’re already driving me insane,” she said, her voice barely a whisper. “Coming up on me like this, tempting me with your goddamn perfect…”
“Perfect?” Although the tension between them was thick enough to cut with a blade, he managed to raise a pale eyebrow. “Perfect what?”
“Don’t pretend you don’t know what I’m talking about, soldier.” Of course, she was talking about his body, his not-quite-handsome but impossibly attractive face, the impressive length of his cock, just begging to relieve her of this exquisite torture. “Now you have to prove to me that you’re really as good as you look.”
Nythian didn’t say anything. He simply smiled, revealing the gleaming points of his fangs. It was a look of supreme confidence, almost to the point of arrogance, and it made her squirm a little in anticipation.
Stars, he was breathtaking.