Page 69 of Fractured Souls
His kisses were deep and wild.
His body molded against hers, and they were perfect together.
“I need you inside me,” she pleaded, her voice cracking.
Those simple words were enough to shatter his formidable self-control. A deep, primal growl escaped him, making the fine hairs on the back of her neck stand on end. Before she knew it, she was flat on her back, and Nythian was all around her, and suddenly he was inside her too, letting out a low cry as he entered her.
Tension, spilling over, breaking…
He was the fury, she the void. Each gave the other what they needed most.
Nythian took control of the rhythm, fucking her savagely then tenderly, riding the wave of her need. He was creative too, taking her up against the wall, against the edge of the bed, reversing their positions, showing her a dozen different ways their bodies could fit together.
Every inch the dominant male.
The feeling of having him inside her was pure bliss. The ridge on his cock crushed against her most sensitive organ, that tiny little nub that drove her so wild.
She lost all sense of time and space. She let him ride her into oblivion, until somehow…
She found herself on top of him.
His doing, all of it.
Flushed and breathless, she thrummed with a strange kind of energy. She ground her hips, watching in fascination as he closed his eyes and whispered something in his native Kordolian. His eyes were closed. He looked so fucking beautiful.
She moved faster, encouraged by his low moans of pleasure.
She put her obsidian hand on his chest. It felt strange, her Callidum-enhanced skin almost thrumming with energy.
Anuk’s words echoed through her mind.
I am energy.
Her obsidian right hand tingled. A strange kind of euphoria filled her, as if all their sexual energy had entered her veins and turned into wild magic.
Something unlocked in her mind, like a bolt sliding back. In that moment, there was only Nythian and her.
Nobody else.
Nothing else.
She surrendered completely, and her consciousness shattered into a million tiny fragments of light.
A strange sensation shot down her right arm—almost painful, but not quite—the exact same feeling she’d had when Anuk threatened to kill Zharek, but a hundred times stronger.
Nythian’s eyebrows knitted together. His cries became hoarse. All the tension flooded out of his body, and his hands fell away from her waist, becoming completely relaxed… with the exception of his raging erection.
Suddenly fearful, she pulled her cursed hand away.
Oh no! What have I done?
He was too still.
“Nythian,” she whispered, a feeling of horror stirring inside her chest. “Are you—”
But then a slow smile spread across his face, his fangs just peeking over his bottom lip. “Do that thing again,” he rumbled. “You can’t kill me, Alexis.”
“Oh.” Understanding dawned on her. “Oh.”