Page 1 of Hallows End
September 1692
“They took Margaret Scott.”
I look up into the sad eyes of my long-time friend, my coven sister, Louisa, and feel my heart sink with sadness.
“They will execute them,” she continues, her voice full of frustration and urgency. “Jonas, we must do something.”
“If we speak up, we expose the entire coven, and they will murder us all,” I reply and feel the candles around us flaming higher, fueled by my anger. “We cannot risk hundreds of lives, Louisa.”
“So the few shall die instead?” she insists. “Those women have been good to us, Jonas. They have not done anything wrong, and they are certainlynotwitches. Margaret has worked tirelessly to protect us, toconcealus from their unjust government.”
“I know.” I stand and cross to Louisa, laying my hand on her shoulder. Her aura swirls in outrage. “And I am eternally grateful to her. To all of them. Would you have me send our entire family to slaughter now? Because if I go forward and defend Margaret, that is what will transpire.”
She shakes her head, tightening her lips in despair. “It is not right.”
“No. It is not. Staying silent as they punish our allies is wrong. But I do not know what else to do.”
She turns away and then looks back at me. “I have been dreaming again. I suspect that it will not matter in the end, regardless of whether we speak up now or not. I see fire. I hear screams. They will come for Hallows End, Jonas. It is only a matter of time. Did you see the blood on the moon this night?”
The thought sends terror through me, and I know she’s right.
I’ve had the same dreams.
And I saw the blood on the moon.
“Jonas, you know that what I say is true!”
“I know.” My voice is rough with grief—with resignation. “You are right. It is time. Summon the others.”
“We cannot undo it once the spell is cast,” she warns me.
“The alternative is death,” I remind her. “Assemble in the town square in one hour. We will end this bloodshed and protect our own.”
“Will I remember?” she asks. “When it is finished, and we are safe, will we know what we did?”
“No. Only I will remember. It is as it should be.”
“The burden is too great—”
“Go,” I interrupt. “Make haste. Time runs out.”
She pauses and hurries over to hug me close. “I’m sorry, brother.”
“It is what is meant,” I say and pat her back. “Now, do as I ask, won’t you?”
“Yes.” She wipes at a tear on her cheek. “Yes, I will make the preparations.”
She hurries out of my small, modest house, and I return to my desk, opening the bottom drawer to retrieve my Book of Shadows.
It’s time to cast the curse of the blood moon.