Page 23 of Hallows End
“Research,” he says. “In fact, I think I’ll go to the library in Salem today.”
“I’ll keep you posted on what I find out with the coven,” I reply. “Hopefully, we can meet with them soon.”
His brow creases.
What is it?I ask.
I don’t want to get my hopes up too high, he replies as he kisses my forehead once more and then backs away. “Have a good day, Lucy.”
“You, too.”
I watch him go and then turn to Nera.
“Who would have thought our lives would take this turn, my sweet boy?” I kiss his head and open the back door of the house. “Come on, we have plenty to do.”
I’ve never dreamed quite like this before.
I’m standing at the edge of a circle of people, none of whom I recognize. In the center is a fire, and all the people look afraid as they begin chanting along with…me. I’m the one leading them, but the words aren’t familiar to me.
On this night, and in this hour, we pull upon the ancient powers.
The blood moon rises to aid our call, to help us forget and safeguard all.
Protect and hide those in peril’s way—conceal this town, come what may.
No more will we be known, no longer be seen,
At new moon’s touch, a repeat of what’s been.
When danger has passed, and we’re hunted no more,
May the curse be broken to open new doors.
By the primal power of three times three,
“This is our will, so mote it be,” everyone around the fire repeats, and the flames grow high. Thunder claps around us, and then everything grows completely still. They all look around in confusion as if they don’t know why they’re standing near the fire.
I just cast the curse of the blood moon.
Suddenly, time shifts. It’s ten years later. I don’t know how I know, I justdo.I’m walking through Salem, relieved that the witch trials are over and the hysteria has died down. I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that my people would be safe now, but I can’t figure out how to undo the curse.
I glance up and almost stop dead in my tracks as a man and woman, my parents, walk toward me. They both look at me, but there’s no recognition in their eyes, and they just keep on going as if I’m a stranger.
Because I am.
My heart aches, knowing that the people I love the most don’t know who I am, and I’m unbearably frustrated that I don’t know how to change what I’ve done.
Time shifts again. This time, I’m listening as Salem’s citizens discuss the Revolutionary War and later still, the Civil War.
I see the passage of time, and with it, the advancement of technology, and again feel the impotent frustration of not knowing how to bring those conveniences to my community.
I reach the modern day and see through Jonas’s eyes, him meeting me in my shop. I can feel that he had the same attraction and felt the samepullthat I did.
When I wake, I sit up and wipe at the tears on my cheeks.
Don’t cry for me, my sweet.
His voice is strong in my head. I take a long, deep breath and realize that Nera climbed onto the bed with me sometime during the night to comfort me.