Page 46 of Hallows End
“No, I can just feel it. From both of you.”
She sniffles and then pulls back so she can reach for one of her pretty little vintage handkerchiefs. This one is sage green with little pink rosebuds on it.
“Has anything else happened since the other day?” I ask her. “Supernaturally, that is.”
“No, and thank the goddess for it because I simply don’t have time to deal with an entity throwing a temper tantrum. My shop suddenly blew up with orders.”
“Well, that’s great! What can I do to help?”
“I’ll need more herbs and flowers.” She wipes at her nose once more. “I heard through the grapevine in one of my witchy groups on social media that the hashtagwitch101just took off on that clock app, so now there are all kinds of people wanting to dabble a bit in the Craft.”
“That’s both exciting and…scary.”
“Yeah. I took down any products from my site for hexing. We don’t need the newbies hexing everyone who’s ever crossed them.”
“Good idea.”
“I’m also restocking all the protection spell bottles and crystal sets because they’ll need that.”
“I love you.”
She looks at me in surprise, her eyes blinking. “I love you, too. What is it?”
“I just absolutelylovethat unlike some witches who think they need to keep all the secrets for themselves, you’re ready to jump in and help. That you’re worried about someone hurting themselves.”
“Well, people are way more powerful than they realize, and they needsomeoneto help them. I might start an account on the clock app and make tutorial videos for easy spells and stuff. Maybe no one will watch it, and I’m sure some people will roll their eyes at me, but it could be good.”
“I love it.”
“Will you guest star sometimes?”
I grin, warming up to the idea. “Sure. We can film in the shop, and I’ll get some free advertising out of it.”
“Hey, great idea,” Breena says, beaming. “Do you haveyouronline shop open yet?”
“I need to hire more help for that,” I admit. “Because I don’t want it to cut into my time in the garden.”
“Get on it,” she advises. “You’re missing out on a lot of money by not offering things online. Do you know how many people from all over theworldwould place orders just so they could say they bought it from a witch in Salem?”
I smirk but then stop to give it some thought.
“You know, you’re not wrong.”
“I’m absolutely right. Mark my words, before long, we’re going to have to go in on a warehouse space so we have more room to make our stuff.”
The thought makes my arms break out in hives. “I don’t want to do that. Ilikemaking everything myself in my little kitchen.”
“You won’t be able to keep up with it there for long. You’ll need more ovens, more sink space, another stove. That house is gorgeous, but it’s not big enough for that.”
“Well, damn it. Maybe I don’t need to expand. I make enough money for what I need.”
Breena giggles and then reaches for my hand. “You could be the only person I know who doesn’t get excited at the thought of raking in more money.”
“I don’tneedmore money.”
“Exactly.” Her phone rings, and when she looks down at it, she scowls and sends it to voicemail.