Page 5 of Hallows End
Breena and I share a look.
“Xander still lives here,” Breena says gently.
“I’mnothere for him,” Lorelei snaps in defense with immediate heat. “This has nothing to do with him. I’m a grown adult, capable of living in the same town ashim.”
“Of course, you are,” I agree with a nod, and Breena and I share another look.
“I’ve been dreaming,” Lorelei finally admits with a long sigh and pours herself a cup of coffee, adding both cream and sugar and stirring clockwise. “At first, I thought they were just simple dreams, that they meant nothing except that I shouldn’t eat lavender ice cream before bed.”
“The dairy will kill you,” Breena advises.
“But it’s not the ice cream,” I add, already knowing what she’s been dreaming.
“No.” Lorelei meets my gaze. “It’s not. Something’s happening, and while I don’t knowwhatit is, I do know that I’m needed here. So, here I am. I’ll be living in Mom’s cottage by the shore.”
“Good. She has wanted you to live there for years. You’re a sea witch, Lorelei. You belong in that house.”
“I admit, I’m excited to be there.” Her voice is soft, but she glances at us with an excited grin and a twinkle in her beautiful green eyes. “I haven’t been honing my skills. I’ve been doing the bare minimum since I left, and that was on purpose.”
“I know,” Breena and I say at the same time.
What Lorelei went through was…intense.
“I can’t walk away from my Craft,” she admits. “I know that now, and I feel like I’m bursting at the seams to start practicing again.”
“I’m so damn happy for you,” I reply and hug her close once more. “You’re too powerful to suppress who you are, cousin.”
“She had to learn that for herself,” Breena adds. “I’m so happy you’re home. We’ve missed you terribly.”
“Thank you. I need some supplies. Herbs, oils, candles. Crystals.”
Breena giggles, and I smile widely.
“Lucky for you, we know where you can get all those things and more.”
“And you’re just in time for Samhain,” Breena says, jumping in excitement. “And the Harvest Moon. They’re on the same day this year, so we’re celebrating all week. The moms have been having a field day with all the plans for the coven.”
Several emotions play over Lorelei’s face. Excitement, caution, concern, and then happiness again.
“Don’t worry,” I say. “It’ll be fun. And good for you spiritually. It’ll give you the boost you need.”
“He’llbe there, though,” she whispers.
“That’ll be good for you, too,” Breena says. “Don’t worry. We’ll work some protection spells before you have to see him to keep your heart safe.”
“I don’t know if any spell can keep me safe from him.” Lorelei shrugs. “I’ve tried that. But I’ll be okay. It’s time I’m with my family again.”
Iwake with a start and look at the time.
Three in the morning.
Of course.
My lips twist at the irony of another horrible dream tearing me out of sleep at the witching hour, and I sit up to wipe the tears from my cheeks. Why am I so unbearably sad? I heard the sinister laughter, the cries of help, and saw the horrendous darkness.
I don’t know what to do to stop any of it.
Nera sleeps on his bed next to mine, and when I reach out, I see that it’s a peaceful sleep, so I decide to leave him in bed and go outside to let the fresh air clear the darkness from my mind.