Page 68 of Hallows End
I pass the deck to her. Immediately, her eyes also widen. “Wow. Holy shit, Aunt Aggie, you’re a damn powerful witch.”
“Okay, that’s just not fair. And I know she’s here because you’re talking to her.” I scowl at the room at large. “If you’re going to block me and not be helpful, you can justgo, Mom. I love you, but I’mso madat you.”
A door slams upstairs, and Lorelei winces.
“She’s gone,” my cousin informs me. “You two always did fight like cats and dogs.”
“It was simply a passionate relationship,” Breena says, ever the peacekeeper. “Don’t worry, Lucy, you’ll feel it when you’re supposed to.”
I sigh, and before I can reply, Lorelei nods to the box in the corner. “What’s in that?”
“Oh, I forgot. It arrived just as I was closing. Breena came to take photos, and I just pushed it to the side. I’m so excited because it took me forever to find just the right piece. You know how I’ve wanted a nice big piece of moss agate for the shop. A really pretty display piece, you know?”
“You didn’t buy it through Giles?” Breena asks and then clears her throat. “Not that such things matter, of course.”
I grin at her. “Actually, he found it for me and had it shipped directly here.”
I find my box cutter, slice through the tape, and pull out a huge ball of bubble wrap.
“I love that they package these things well, but man, is it a buzz kill to have to fight your way to the treasure inside,” Lorelei mutters.
But between the three of us, we have it unpacked in five minutes.
“Wow,” I breathe as I hold the stone in my hands. It’s egg-shaped and the size of a football. “It has to weigh fifteen pounds.”
“May I?” Breena asks, and when I pass it to her, she frowns. “Huh.”
“What is it?” Lorelei asks, but I twirl away, feeling freaking fantastic. “Oh.”
“I don’t like the way it makes me feel,” Breena says.
“Really? Because I think it’samazing.” I take the piece from Lorelei and press my cheek to the cool, smooth surface. “I can almosthearit. As if there’s actual moss growing inside. It’s so beautiful.”
“I don’t like this,” Lorelei mutters as Breena pulls her phone out of her purse.
“On it,” Breena says, but I pay no attention as I dance around the room with the stone. It’s as though I’m drunk from it.
I can’t get enough.
“I had no idea that having just a huge piece of agate could make my space feel thiseuphoric,” I admit with a laugh. “I mean, I know that crystals are powerful, but this is incredible. I guess it’s true what they say, biggerisbetter.”
“Mom, I need you to send Jonas back right away, please.”
“Oh, you don’t have to do that.” I take the phone from her. “Hi, Aunt Hilda. Everything here isjust fine.I promise. Jonas can stay there and have fun with you guys. In fact, he can just go on to Hallows End when he’s finished. I’m great for tonight. Toodles.”
I end the call and pass the phone back to Breena, who just stares at me.
“Toodles?” Lorelei demands.
“Oh, loosen up. We should have wine. Do you guys want wine? I don’t know why I feel the need to celebrate, but we should. I have some wine in the kitchen.”
I hurry through the doorway that leads to my kitchen, the crystal tucked under my arm.
“Don’t you justlovewine?” I frown when I stare around me. I can’t seem to remember where I keep it.
“You hate it,” Breena insists. “You say it tastes like dead grapes and bad decisions.”
I laugh and wag my finger at Breena. “Oh, stop, you big jokester. You’re funny, you know that? Where’s the wine?”