Page 71 of Hallows End
I use my own methods.
Using an anointing oil that I mixed myself, I draw protection runes on all the windows and doors, also working counterclockwise after the women to keep out anything that’s left after their smudging and sound healing.
When I reach Lucy’s room, I also draw a rune on her forehead, being careful not to disturb her sleep.
Then I do the same for Nera.
Evil will attack a witch’s familiar, especially when the only purpose is to cause pain.
And something was doing its best to harm Lucy tonight. I wish I could bring my coven in to help me with this. To surround the house with the circle and cast out anything that may wish her harm.
But for now, I have Breena and Lorelei, two powerful beings in their own right, to help me keep the woman I love safe.
When we’ve combed through every inch of the house and closed out anything we swept away, we return to the kitchen.
“I’m going to set new wards.” Breena cleanses a bowl. “I know it’s best when a witch sets her own wards for her home, but this will have to do for now until Lucy is strong enough to do it herself.”
“She won’t mind,” Lorelei says, agreeing with her cousin. “In fact, if it were me, I’d be mad if wedidn’tdo this.”
“Agreed,” Breena concurs. “I’m going to set a protection simmer pot on the stove, as well. I know it’s alotof protection in this house tonight, but—”
“Under the circumstances, I’d say there can’t be too much,” I assure her and pat her shoulder. “Not tonight. Do what you need to do. I’m grateful.”
Breena smiles sweetly and then gets to work on her simmer pot.
“It’s convenient to work in a green witch’s kitchen,” Lorelei says thoughtfully as she pulls herbs and flowers out of containers for the spell she’s working. “She literally has everything a witch could need. Oh, she even has calendula. That’s not easy to find, but then again, if someone’s going to have some, it’s our Lucy.”
“I called my mom when you were upstairs, Jonas. She and Astrid are working some magic of their own tonight to help us.”
“Thank you.”
I sit in a chair and drag my hand through my hair, suddenly more exhausted than I remember being in a long, long time.
“Part of me is surprised,” Lorelei says, and I glance up to find her watching me, her eyes filled with speculation.
“About what?”
“Well, it’s still really early in your relationship. Like, it’s a baby romance. But it’s not all sex and fluff. I saw that tonight with all this creepy shit going on. It’s so much deeper than that between the two of you.”
“There has been sex and fluff.” I grin at the words. “But we’re not children, Lorelei. If you’re asking whether or not I’m in love with your cousin, I don’t think there’s any question that I am. I enjoy her. I’m completely fascinated by her. And I worry for her because something—or someone—is trying to hurt her. I won’t let that happen.”
We all turn our heads at the sound of Nera’s whimper. Standing next to him is Lucy.
“You’re awake,” Breena says with surprise.
“Come.” I take her hand and kiss it, searching her face. Her eyes still look tired, and she’s lost all the color in her cheeks. Still, I can see that it’sLucystanding here with us. “Sit down.”
“I’ll make some tea,” Breena announces and gets to work.
“Peppermint, please.” Lucy swallows hard. “I’m still nauseated. What happened?”
“I was hoping you’d be able to tell us,” I say as I sit next to her and tuck her hair behind her ear. “What do you remember?”
“I felt so odd.” She swallows hard, and Nera lays his head in her lap. She strokes his long ears as she continues talking. “I wanted to celebrate. To be carefree and silly. And it was an addictive feeling, which is so odd. I don’t like to drink too much, and I’ve never done any kind of mind-altering drugs because I’m afraid of what my magic would do under the influence of something.”
“Not to mention, youhatewine, and you might have given your right ovary for a bottle of good red tonight,” Lorelei says.
“Yeah, what’s up with that?” Lucy asks, shaking her head. She smiles gratefully at Breena and accepts the cup of tea her cousin offers her. “I definitely wasn’t in control of what was going on. And then, all I could do was cry and throw up.”